Who finished the first rift?

Did you max out the first rift without buying tiers? Are you going to buy the new one that they didn't reduce the grind?
Yup...and yup
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They reduced the grind by adding more challenges to complete. It wasn't very hard to complete imo, I finished it before finishing archives lol.
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Yup. Just have to do a tier a day. Really isn't that hard
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I finished the first Rift without buying tiers.
If there are more challenges to help with earning Rift Fragments, then that will help with the grind. I like doing the challenges when they're reasonable and not based on luck. If I reach tier 70, I'll buy the Premium Pass.
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That's over ten games a day
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How many hours did it take you?
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They did add more challenges in the first level but it'll only get you 1 more tier
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Reeaally? Ugh, that sucks. Hopefully the later Tome levels will make up for that... hopefully...
Grinding out the XP to earn Rift Fragments was the thing that made the first Rift so painful.
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I got burntout playing DBD after finishing the first page of Challenges and some game issues getting to me and ended up not returning to finish everything or at least cash in on what I got on the Premium Track.....which I regret a bit. Hope to be more diligent on this one
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I'm the same but I got to tier 68 last rift and was so burnt out I gave up attempting the last 2 tiers.
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Almost there. So closeeee...
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I completed everything until the last 2 tiers. I was burnt out of DBD and this was just after Christmas. Could I have buckled down and grinded those last two out? Absolutely, but I wanted to play Sekiro and Shadow of Mordor. Ended up buying the last two tiers.
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Took this as proof I didnt buy the tiers right before I bought the premium pass.
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I was the same burnout hit hard after I ran out of archive challenges
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Yeah, I would rather have fun with new games than worsen the burnout by forcing myself to grind. Now I'm back, picking up Clown, and having a grand time.
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If you ignore challenges yes. But if its like the last one, you should get more than halfway done just finishing the challenges. From there its not that hard to do
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My headphones broke halfway through, so I only got to tier 32. However, I think I could've gotten to tier 50 or 60 if my headphones didn't break.
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I completed the first survivor challenge, get 5 bronze lightbringer emblems, and am halfway through tier 2. Using that as a baseline, completing the challenges, properly without farming and throwing the game, it looks like most of the rift will be done.
Just play normal and you'll get through the challenges and rift fairly easily.
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I completed it
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I bought the first one and completed it fully never again it's just way to much filler content
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I'm going to do it...I already play the game a ton and it doesn't cost a penny. Not to mention I'm a bit of a collecting freak and would legit die if I missed an exclusive cosmetic.
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Yes and yes.
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That's what devs are aiming for, making you feel that you're gonna miss something...
Can't say i blame you, because i feel the same too. But i am already so accustomed with these psychological advertisement that i can resist the urge to buy it.
PS: Also, playing the same game everyday, non-stop, it makes me burn out and not having fun. I play games for fun, nothing else
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I wasn't even close to completing it before I got tired of dbd and took a long break.
Only yesterday I returned for tome II.
I have high doubts I will finish that one as well so I am certain i won't buy this rift pass either.
I like the idea but progressing is too slow for me
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literally got to tier 30 lolllllll wish id have started the game earlier before cause i was taking a break
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I reached the final tier before level 4 was out for it. I still completed all of the challenges for all the levels to 100% completion.
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After every tome completed, I took a loong break so I didn't get burned out. This was a big mistake, as I had to spend the 1k of Auric Cells at the end because I didn't had time, as I was gonna go for vacations for quite some time, and I wanted to ensure that I completed the rift :(
Wish they added a offering that would grant more rift progress, like bloody party streamers, but with xp
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I completed the first Rift without buying tiers, but it was a close one, a chunk of the time I was living with my family and my mother made a habit of removing the router to prevent my brother from doing anything besides chores, by the time I moved I had a lot of catch up to do. I had to devote a lot of time to it, and had to basically force a few challenges (the "interrupt" challenge? Had to play as The Pig, down a survivor, put reverse beartrap, pick up, walk to Jigsaw box, let them wiggle out whilst attacking the box, interrupt them, let them wiggle out, continue the game as normal/friendly BP farming, start a new game, rinse & repeat -- and had to send a message and screenshot it to swiftly send to survivors for any assistance with sacrificing all four in basement in exchange for playing a BP farm game, in the end 1 survivor skipped the farming part and met me in the basement, I had to get the other 3 the hard way)
Also, I think this time as long as my connection is viable, I shouldn't have a hard time being diligent, also, I will wait to buy the Rift Pass until I'm nearing Tier 70.
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No joke, I think the community should select a number of skins to advertise their intentions in a game... For example, I could see a tradition of The Clown with the Santa Clause cosmetic on Christmas Eve being code for "come on, let's just mess around and get bloodpoints, merry christmas Survivors"
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Yes and...maybe? I only purchased the last one as I was between level 60 and 70 and knew I had time to complete it