Just don't make it a hex anymore.
I get it, it's a hag perk, it has to be a hex because haha lore
but just, why? Hex perks are usually incredibly strong perks that are so OP that they can be disabled like NOED; Devour Hope, Huntress Lullaby, etc
Only scenario someone would use ruin, is with spirit's prayer-beads or with surveilance, and that is pretty much it.
also, it does not really affects much to survivors, they just press M1
if they see you camp a gen so it regresses, they just go to another and the cicle goes on.
Oh and btw, no matter if the totem is haunted grounds, they wil stil do it because omg points so, it's stupid that THIS is still a hex perk.
I'm 100% sure that if it wasnt a hex, more people would use it. What do you guys think?
I'd agree. I play a decent bit of Killer and Surv and as a Surv I do every totem I find just to be safe from NOED or any hex perks like Devour Hope. As a Killer I would probably use Ruin if it wasn't a Hex perk. At the moment it just doesn't help me in game enough to make it worth bringing. The only way it's useful is if the survs 3 gen themselves
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And how much chance is there that ruin stays up long enough for a three gen? Lol... it's pretty trash tier as it is now. To many other perks that are better *cough* infectious fright *cough*
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Oh no I totally agree. It never lasts that long. That's just the only scenario it could be useful
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It would be too powerful as a non-hex perk. Killers like Legion or Pig would skyrocket in the tier list with something like with their stalling tools but killers like Billy or Oni would become borderline if you added Surveillance to the mix.
I think that normal regression should be buffed instead. And make Ruin more powerful by still applying regression for 10 or more seconds after you start repairing a regressing gen.