Why we need MORE killers like nurse, spirit and huntress and LESS like Freddy (sorry Freddy mains)

I know this is going to be a very unpopular opinion but hear me out. Even with their recent nerfs, nurse, spirit and huntress still remain as some of the best killers in this game. Not only that but they are also extremely well designed. These three killers require an actual decent amount of skill to do well with, especially nurse, and can be extremely beneficial when played correctly. They also have a decent amount of counterplay, allowing for these killers to be defeated if the survivors play the match well. Freddy on the other hand is completely opposite. Firstly, he requires very little skill to play in comparison to nurse, spirit and huntress yet receives a HIGHER kill rate than the others. This is because Freddy, unlike the other three, is rewarded for making bad plays and failing to rotate between survivors and down them. His tremendous game slowdown means that he can spend five minutes chasing a survivor and will not be punished for overcommitted, as very little gens will pop. Then let’s remember the fact that he basically makes billy, clown and stealth killers look like trash with his extremely powerful and skill less snares, teleportation and low heartbeat/ difficulty to spot. He also has very little counter play in comparison to the other killers talked about before as his snares are impossible to outmanoeuvre if placed correctly and he can easily return to generators being worked on if he fails to catch a survivor in a chase. Now you may say just pull down pallets early and break out of dream world. Breaking out of dreamworld wastes huge amounts of time and has to be done every minute and like I said before, because of his huge game slowing effects, he can afford to chase a survivor and break every pallet if they pull them down instantly, leaving the survivors with nothing to work with for the rest of the game and constant teleporting and pop regressions. The main problem isn’t with him but rather with his very low skill cap and free rewards. I will admit demogorgon and oni were some well designed killers as well so let’s hope that the devs continue to release more killers like this and less like Freddy.
Although I will admit Freddy has some low skilled mechanics, his portal placement are very similar to trappers traps. You need to think logical, and sometimes that can take skill.
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I agree snares do require a certain degree of skill, however many killers use them in pretty basic ways such as placing them on the side of a loop when the survivor reaches one. Trappers traps can’t just be placed anywhere tho they need shelter under grass and such.
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I want old freddy back and just tweaked slightly like the community suggested many times...
We just lost content with his rework and he just boring now imo, both to play and play against.
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I agree Freddy currently can be very powerful that doesnt need a lot of skill.
If i can change him. I would like to combine with his old style for more balance.
Freddy having the power to teleport to gen. Awake survivor wont saw the teleport effect on gen.
Freddy had to pull survivor to dream in order to attack them. No more auto fall into sleep for all survivor unless add on used.
Freddy is hidden from awake survivor totally.
Survivor can wake then self with fail skill check or using clock.
Freddy can still put snare or pallet. Only survivor in dream will see and affect.
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I agree that the stronger the killer, the higher should be its skill cap. However, I can't but smile at the irony of complaining about Freddy being easy and thinking Spirit requires skills.
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Spirit might not be as hard as huntress or nurse, but she isn't on autopilot. She still requires basic game sense. This community really needs to stop with the hyperbole. It's getting old.
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But she "still requires basic game sense" though... Now, try to take a second to think how that statement is the very reason there's no hyperbole in saying the Spirit is gG EzpZ.
BONUS: basic game sense for Spirit (hyperbole-free):
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survivors often don't have walking/running sound
survivors often can't be heard from 4 meters away behind a wall or standing right behind you, even if they're injured and DON'T run iron will
She used to be easy when you listen to sounds. But not nowadays.
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Spirit takes less skill than Billy. Should've put Billy in title
Basically, I agree with you. Freddy is a lalaland walk in the park when it comes to learning him. Demo takes strategy, Oni takes reflexes and pathing...Freddy is just the same every time. Would be nice to have more skill based killers.
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Survivors will never be happy until the last killer has no map pressure anymore and they can end every game in less than 5 minutes and high five because they are so good at the game.
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He’s literally implying a nerf for Freddy. He’s obviously never played Freddy if he thinks you can “constant teleport.”
Yeah, Freddy is strong, get over it. There are very few killers that players can use that are strong. Most are garbage with terrible map pressure. But of course, the one killer with decent map pressure gets trashed on because he’s got map pressure. 🤦🏽♂️ This community. Complain complain complain about killers.
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They also require sound/scratchmarks to be working properly, decent fps and don't have controller restriction
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Freddy is not a walk in the park Killer.
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And??? Survivors act like it’s not already possible to wipe the floor of generators in 5 minutes or less. One killer has a unique slowdown, get over it.
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Spirit takes skill OMEGALUL.
We need more killers like Nurse, Hag and Huntress.
Not Spirit
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Same people, that always ######### on overwatch's moira. Just deal with it or play a different game. There is a limited amount of killers, that is even playable now without ruin, if you want to win the game.
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Freddy has a very low skill cap, but he’s just boring to face. Anything that slows down survivor movement is pretty boring to face, like Clown.
I agree with your statement of more killers like Nurse, Huntress, and Spirit. I’d add Oni to the list. He’s very fun to face in my opinion. Strong, but beatable. His power is also really strong but you don’t feel bored to death when you die.
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limit freddy snares or long setting time similar to how trapper is limited in traps
makes him no different to decent freddy players while making him less mind-less to play at loops
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Good headphones mean nothing when sounds don’t properly work.
I agree Spirit isn’t hard to use, but she’s not as easy as players make her out to be. She isn’t braindead, a mediocre Spirit won’t beat a good team. She has a higher skill cap than most killers do.
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You have more killers with map pressure that are viable than one that aren't
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Btw we don’t need more like Spirit where the only thing you need to win is decent headphones and the ability to hold W lol
better maps is what’s needed
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Wake up at a clock and you have 90 seconds before you fall asleep. Thats enough time to do a generator. His natural slow down doesn't hinder you then.
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Eeh kinda disagree. I think it's good for the game we have a strong killer that's easy to play
Not everyone plays this game religiously. ( some of you already beaten all the challenges in a day) Some just want to once in a while play as their favorite killer from a horror movie they like
While Huntress, Nurse and to an extend spirit do require skill. Getting to the point where they become useable is often an long and unenjoyable experience. We all know how some players can act once they realise you are a baby.
Not everybody has the time or energy to invest in that. And with matchmaking being as horrible as it is even relative low ranks have to face the top survivors
I think having an easy to play killer that casuals can fall back to is a good thing and Freddy is a perfect candidate cause he is a horror icon so more chance that casuals that want to play as a horror icon will play him
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Freddy's base-kit is loaded.
He doesn't need the teleportation to gens AND puddles/pallets.
There's so much going on when you go against a Freddy and that's why he has a high DC rate. The worst is the fact that he completely disregards Borrowed Time. That's my BIGGEST complaint against Freddy. No other Killer can do that.
His add-ons need to let him teleport OR snare OR pallet. Not two out of three.
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Lmao no you Survivors are just all about making the game simple for you to escape. You’re in Freddy’s world against him, not yours. He should have the ability to create his own situations and not be limited. Maybe limit him to you only being affected by his abilities in the dream world since that’s where he’s strongest. Don’t limit his powers simply because you don’t like the obstacles.