A way to report out of game?

I've recently just had several killer games with the same person and he kind of threatened me and used Racial comments towards me. Is there a way to report him on the forums? 


  • Sally55
    Sally55 Member Posts: 368

    @AlphaKinh0077 said:
    I've recently just had several killer games with the same person and he kind of threatened me and used Racial comments towards me. Is there a way to report him on the forums? 

    The report system in game is currently being reworked. If you play on console just report them through that. Not sure about pc though.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AlphaKinh0077 said:
    I've recently just had several killer games with the same person and he kind of threatened me and used Racial comments towards me. Is there a way to report him on the forums? 

    The forum is not connected to the steam accoutn at all. You dont even know whether he has a forum acc at all.
    If he insulted you, go ahead and report him with the ingame reports creen, dont even know why you want to report him on the forums

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Nobody cares about your feelings, that's the general consensus and attitude of the devs since day one.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    If you try to report them on the forums, your thread will be deleted. I’m sorry but nothing can be done about this, the devs don’t care about what goes on in there game.
  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    Please use the in-game report system. We keep the chat logs and review reports to handle that kind of situation.
    If you are on console, sadly we are not able to ban players yet. The feature is planned on this year's roadmap so it's coming SoonTM. If you receive abusive messages from users on console, please contact PS4 or XBOX support. Thank you!

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    To be fair it's not happening on PC either not_Queen.