So are the dev's officially coming out as survivor sided?

FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

If I'm understanding this correctly by their own responses:

They don't think Gen speed has any issues. They don't think survivors have any balance problems at all. They're actually planning on FURTHER buffing survivors by looking at non meta perks. And the funniest bit is they're going to further nerf killer by nerfing the already very weak percentage slow down perks like dying light, thana, ect.

BHVR is legitimately biased as ######### and they're not evening trying to hide it.

EDIT: For people who read and claim that there was no mention of slow down perks getting nerfed here is the segment:

For those of you who just want to read and not listen to the whole segment: Will other slow down perks see changes as well? If we take for example a game where we have a lot of slow down perks, the gameplay ends up feeling kinda stale because they spend a lot of time just M1ing on the generators. For example, if you have somebody running the old Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, Dying Light, and Thanataphobia, making any progress on generators is painfully slow. Our goal over time is to make these perks less obnoxious when you run them together, but individually we want them to still be useful. 

With other lines they mentioned further in the Q&A their goal is to remove builds specifically focused on slowing down gens and limit killers to probably 1, MAYBE 2 slow down perks at a time max. Their agenda is entirely based on making sure survivors spend the least amount of time possible holding M1 on a gen with no regard to how lightning fast matches negatively affect killer. Even though statistically running those perks won't do much and requires a ######### ton of effort to get everything stacked, it's still anti fun for the survivor so that sort of build isn't ok.

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