New chapter Idea: Dance of the Broken


I know this is a little long and a lot to read, and this is all just a fun idea I came up with that I'm planning on finishing very soon. Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions. P.S. the perks may be overpowered or under powered but I just thought they sounded cool. Thanks :P

Dbd Chapter Idea: Dance of the Broken

Killer: The Marionette

Survivor: Rosslyn Foster

The Marionette

Look: Like a ballerina, with puppet limbs and strings hanging from her limbs. 

Main Weapon: Russian Shashka (sword)

Speed: Regular Speed

Terror Radius: Regular Terror Radius


Petrushka Krylov was an aspiring ballet dancer. Born to dance in Lomonosov, Russia, Krylov practiced her craft every second she was given. She would always dance to the song that was played by a music box that her late grandmother had given her. One night at a local performance, a man by the name of Ivan Chernov noticed Petrushka and approached her immediately after her show. He promised her a new career in the art of ballet and Krylov agreed, not wanting to lose this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Petrushka was now living in the spotlight. Grand Arenas welcomed her dances with crowds of people. In the few short months, Krylov gained the attention and adoration of many fans. Ivan assured her she was the only ballerina in all of Russia who could dance as if they were a puppet.

Soon, Krylov took the name of “The Marionette” and crowds would chant the title throughout the whole performance. Her music box would still be featured in every show. Dressed like a puppet, Petrushka felt otherworldly, like a goddess of dance and Ivan couldn’t have agreed more.

After about six months, people weren’t into ballet anymore and shows were beginning to be difficult to book. Ivan decided that Petrushka was of no more use to him and closed any connection toward her.

Krylov used to all of the attention, fell into a pit of despair and rage. Furious with the world, she went to confront Ivan. Arriving at his doorstep late one night, wearing her marionette costume, hoping to persuade Ivan into supporting her again, Petrushka knocked on his door. Ivan opened the door with surprised eyes and ushered for Krylov to walk in. He walked her into his office and told her to sit down. Ivan told her what she didn’t want to hear and that he wouldn’t be supporting anymore and that she should try a new career. 

Enraged, Petrushka broke into the glass cabinet located in the front corner of his office and grabbed an old Medieval Shashka and drew the sword from its’ cover. Ivan tried to run from the crazed Petrushka, but stumbled onto a vase making him stumble. Krylov pirouetted to the distraught man and drove the sword through his heart. Completely mad, Petrushka started dancing all around the room in a manic pattern.

She stumbled into an open door that housed a black abyss. For a while Petrushka began to get dizzy and she fainted. 

She was awoken by her grandmother’s music box and an urge for blood in an unknown world.

Special Power; “Grandmother’s Musicbox” : The recurrence of the melody that told her to dance taught her a new attribute. A melodious cloud radiates around her as she travels, hindering anyone who hears the deathly song. 

Hold the power button to switch to “Grandmother’s Musicbox” 

When active the Marionette holds her music box and her terror radius turns into the music box music, she can wind her music box up for a thin long ranged blast that causes affected survivors to omit a “terror radius” like music with a short radius, the radius grows bigger the longer you are in this state. At the very peak of this state, your aura is revealed.

Counter/ Way to get out of melodic state:

Survivors will have a designated “record player” that is highlighted when they are affected by “Grandmother’s music box” that they can go to and “sing” the melody into, to get rid of this affect. It does alert the killer with a noise notification, no visual. The killer can see all of these record players.

Killer teachable perks:


You are tired of following the same pattern, day in and day out. Your anger fuels your sense of hearing and every noise you hear sends you off of the edge a little more every time.

Each time a survivor throws a pallet down, this perk becomes active for 15 seconds. Hitting a survivor in this time period reveals the auras of survivors in a 15 m radius. Cooldown of 100/80/60 seconds.

Song of Death: 

Walking the same path of your enemies, rocks you to the core. Slowing them down is the only way to stop their carelessness

When all survivors are injured this perk goes into effect, all survivors scream giving a visual notification

Rhythmic disposition: Hex Perk 

You frown at the off beat steps of the foolish survivors and must correct their footwork.

2 Hex Totems spawn in the map at the start of the trial. When one totem is cleansed a random perk of each survivor is disabled for 80/100/120 seconds. Cleansing one totem removes the other.


