Listen Devs

FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


Here's a list of what you're doing wrong and how to fix them.

  1. You want to keep the feature, SWF, because that draws more people (friend's connections) which will get you more money. We get it, but for "Rank", it's not fair, is it? That beats the whole purpose of not having chat system. If you persist to keep SWF in ranked, why not just add chat system? You can divide "Normal" and "Ranked" and ONLY let "Normal" games have SWF. "Ranked" games should be dealt more seriously. And it turns out majority of high rank noobs play this game for fun. It's not their fault, since all they want is to just have fun, but there is no "Normal" mode.
  2. After "Normal" and "Ranked" are divided, you need to make the Scoring system of each player's actions more delicately. Right now, surviving for a long time = more points = rank up. This is not all the time correct. In fact, most of the times, it's not. Players who do the "right" things should rank up. Not the ones who are scared and hide all the time not running gens or saving others. Most of the times, scared players live way much longer than players who did the right things.
  3. After Hex:Ruin nerf, running generator speed became too fast that most games in Korean Server ends in 5-7 minutes. I'm not saying the nerf itself was bad, it was in the good-attempt direction. But at least the average game time should last longer than queue time, don't you think? You can make gens repair becomes slower early game, and gets to normal repair time later. Or have amount of gens left be into the equation as well. (I still blame NA server survivors for not running gens when ruin is basically gone. They just hate running gens I suppose.)
  4. When the game starts, reveal one random survivor's aura to the killer for certain duration, so the killer doesn't waste too much time finding a survivor since the gens repair time got much faster. I've seen multiple games where the killer finds one survivor and 1 gen was repaired. 2-3 gens repaired by the time the killer hooks the survivor. Also this way, survivors won't know if they're the one who's revealed to the killer, so they won't waste early game hiding.
  5. You need to work REALLY hard to change the survivors' perspective towards Camping, Tunneling, Mori, etc. Survivors misuse the term "toxic" when killers do such actions, for making the games "not fun" for them. They blame killers instead of improving their own skills. (Most high ranks chase last 5 seconds... I don't know how that's even possible, but it is.)

There's more, but I don't know who's sitting behind the desk at BHVR reading this, but you've got to listen. I heard most of you devs are not even in red rank with this broken ranking system. (How..? You literally play a lot and hit rank 1.. I've seen many brainless monkeys in red ranks).

You guys seriously need to pay very deep attentions to the players who say bitter things, not to whiny children who are keep complaining "[Insert Anything] is op, remove it". I really like the concept of this game and I really tried hard to keep playing this game, but it finally came to an end. I know this game is 1v4 game but the game is not balanced as hell. Fix them. You haven't done a pretty good job so far.


  • chockfullofmoxie
    chockfullofmoxie Member Posts: 11

    As someone who plays both. Everything is survivor sided. Wait times are really long on survivor side because NOBODY WANTS TO BE THE KILLER ANYMORE. Think about that. Everyone wanted to be killer at launch.

  • FeBLeSs
    FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15

    Exactly my point! So many new players is a good thing, but since they start the game as a survivor (mainly because of SWF, friend's invites), there are a lot of survivors. So devs are only listening to survivors (devs doesn't want them to leave), which resulted in less killers. General queue time became hell for survivors which will result in less users in general. Pretty bad strategy by BHVR.

  • chockfullofmoxie
    chockfullofmoxie Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2020

    This also isn’t a highly competitive game. You have a lore about killers. It doesn’t have to be equal. You should want survivors to be scared of killers. That ISNT HAPPENING.

    by highly competitive I mean an e sport. There are too many variables. I didn’t want to be misconstrued.

    do the maps have tons of pallets (survivor sided) did suvivors get ######### stuff out of chest. Gen progression goes by fast and I’m saying that as someone who wasn’t a ruin fan but then people cry about no Ed. Did the killer bring moris, survivors keys. Not en e sport.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. Im still against that. The playerbase isn't THAT big, it would probably increase the que times even more!
    2. That only counts for one emblem, The Survival one. Which could get some tweaks i guess.
    3. "They just hate running gens I suppose" ... what does that mean? Also they will probably do some more tweaks now that ruin is gone.
    4. Somehow im against that.
    5. Okay then using flashlights, keys, instaheals are not toxic as well. Oh also this "They blame killers instead of improving their own skills." statement doesn't really fit this point. I agree that it's true tho.
  • FeBLeSs
    FeBLeSs Member Posts: 15

    If you made a PvP competitive game, unlike peaceful game Minecraft, then you have to consistently balance every aspect of the game (map, items, perks, movement speed, etc). How can you balance the game based off of who? How can you tell? Successful games already out there in the market sample from high rank players, because they're the ones who really understand the game and have passion for it. And very important key here, those games have "Normal" and "Ranked" modes.

    Since current ranking system is broken and pretty much anyone can SWF and get to a high rank as a survivor, devs have no idea to tell who are really good players. That's why they listen to everyone... And this is why the balance went to hell. Understand the logic now?

    It's not that you divide the game into "Normal" and "Ranked" once you get enough players, it's that you will get more players if you divide them. Queue time will only suffer when this initially launches, and it will get better than before. This way, naturally, casual players will fall into "Normal" and competitive players will fall into "Ranked". Just think about how many people played League of Legends before season 1 (2009) and how many people started playing after season 1 (when they have Rank mode).

    This kind of "competitive" PvP games, people naturally want to try hard. But for those players who want to just enjoy get in the way. As I said, it's not their fault since there's no mode that they can just enjoy the game, like "Normal".

    4. Have you seen what most survivors do when the game starts? You're talking as if you never played this game before lol. They just hide and wait until some gets hit (being chased), then they "think" about running gens. Some even went to chests or totems... They don't even run straight to gens when they're completely safe. That is good 30 seconds to 1 minute of the early game. Gen repair time is 80 seconds. If all 3 survivors started each gen immediately after the game started, 3 gens should be repaired at least half way. But I don't see that in most match ups. Revealing one's aura can speed up the game and make survivors get used to being scared and just run gens.

    5. So you think flashlights, keys, instaheals are toxic? They are not even considered to be toxic. Devs made them so we can use them lol. How is using a game feature toxic? And I don't know when was the last time you played DbD, but instaheals got nerfed.