Survivors, please recover when you are slugged

I don't know what it is, but lately I see a lot of survivors getting downed and making no attempt to recover. i get there may be certain situations when it might be good to crawl a bit to try and hide from the killer, but in most cases just recover. Definitely don't just lie there spinning in circles trying to get someone to pick you up, at least not until you have fully recovered...And don't crawl to your teammate that is hiding around the corner while the killer is still right there. Wait it out and recover as much as possible so your teammates can get you up quickly and as safely as possible.

It is very frustrating for those of us trying to save you, when you have done no recovery in all the time you were lying there.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. :D


  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    This should be common sense, right? But you are right, it's not. I have had times where someone was downed, I was fixing on the other side of the map and after a few seconds, there I go to help them. They are in the same spot and when I get to them, they have no recovered at all. Or people just crawling away when the killer leaves them, instead of recovering. Or a downed survivor just crawling straight to the other survivor hiding near, giving them away and giving the killer free hits.

    But sometimes the people coming to heal others are also dumb. I lost count of how many times someone is on the hook, another person gets downed near and a third person comes and instead of unhooking the hooked person, starts healing the downed person who was just downed 3 seconds ago. Of course the killler comes back way before the heal is complete, so the third person is now running away and the other two are still in the same position. Most times, the hooked person ends up dying.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, it does seem like common sense to me too. I don't get it.

    I also don't get it when other survivors loop the killer around the hook. They aren't going to get a safe unhook, and they are preventing others from getting one. I don't want to be unhooked only to be downed immediately because you brought the killer with you. If anything, they should run the killer away from the hook, so others can make the rescue.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    Honestly, because of that I feel that the Aura Read of Buckle Up (the recovery progress) should be Baseline. This would also make Tenacity a little bit more useful, because not everyone can see the difference in Speed (and will know that this person is actually recovering).

    And if a Survivor gave up, you at least dont waste any time getting them up or anything.

    And we all know those guys who simply lie on the ground and dont recover.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    If they don't recover, they stay slugged.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, I am at that point too. Though sometimes I don't notice, and assume they have, only to find out that they haven't, not even a little. If they crawl or spin immediately after being slugged, and don't stop to recover, I am going to work on something more productive as they slowly crawl across the map.

    Please, slugs...

  • Goat_Worship
    Goat_Worship Member Posts: 73

    If your team is that potato, leave them to die. That's a benefit of always running keys.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Ignore this advice. It will cause you great pain. It's better to not recover.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    ^ This. I'm not getting myself killed over someone who can't even bother to recover.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    As totally a survivor main I also suggest that you don't recover. There's totally a hidden mechanic in the game that if you recover the devs come to your house and break your kneecaps. It's true, mine are still broken.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Yeah, that's why I said that i know there are certain situations where you may want to crawl away first, but as soon as you get somewhere relatively safe, recover. However, just spinning in place, or trying to crawl across the entire map, to another survivor, not good. Definitely don't crawl to another survivor. Recover and let them come to you.

  • MsFrizby93
    MsFrizby93 Member Posts: 77

    I afk to fold laundry or finish eating my food if it’s slug galore, no point with a killer proxy camping the slugs just to get up to feed more M1 hit points for the killer....I’ll take the L but thanks for the suggestion, go find the hatch or something if it gets under your skin so much.

    you can’t control the actions of those around you but you can control yourself :)

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Well, my post was directed at people who actually want to play the game, and aren't sore losers that just give up if it's not going well for them.

    Not sure what the hatch has to do with anything. The post wasn't about winning or losing. It was about trying to help others, and about them making it easier for the rest of us to do that.

    Unfortunately, people like you create an additional problem. When you go afk, no one knows. You just screw over people that think they are helping you.