Killers got a massive nerf so now when I play survivor I can't pip

OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Let me start by saying I play both sides, but I am a survivor main because it's less stressful. Especially now cause ruin is gone and I'm not a good enough killer yet to apply pressure without it. So RIP killers.

But as a red rank survivor I can't seem to pip anymore. A lot might be from matchmaking issues, I'm solo queuing at red rank and have been getting green rank killers. Which most survivors end up being red rank with maybe their lower rank swf buddies. These killers are also not practiced enough at the game to apply pressure to more experienced survivors so they get gen rushed and the game is over. As a survivor I get no altruism, and no chaser/objective (depending if they chase me or someone else the whole game). I know, I know. The killer had a worse match and I'm whining about myself. It isn't just a complaint about me specifically, but as a game mechanic. I pip based on how the killer plays. To me pipping isn't a huge deal, I'm just saying the mechanic is broken even worse now.

If I get red rank killers, it's usually just a ghostface or spirit with moris or they tunnel or camp, taking me out of the game quickly as well. I don't really blame them because you've gotta kill as fast as gens get done, and now this is how it has to go.

This has caused the game to become very boring for me though. My queue times are quite literally longer than my matches. And my matches are always just sitting on gens and the killer DCs cause he only got one hook before it was over or being tunneled out by the same killers over and over.

Usually I'd just play killer if survivor is this way, but now killer is too stressful for me. So once again, RIP killer. And RIP DBD.

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