Killers can you stop!!!!

We all know survivors DC for absolutely everything. But why are the killers being bitches now too? 8 games this morning and 5 killer DC. If you're getting your ######### pushed in does it make you feel better to DC when the last gen pops? Does that mean you won?



  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I know we don't. It is just really frustrating this morning lol. Been trying to get this escape 2 trials challenge done all morning lol.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Dcing is the solution for what? When you play like ass and have to DC because of it what does that solve?

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599
    edited January 2020

    I'm pretty sure all those DCs were legit and you're freaking over nothing.

    Don't blame killers (or survivors for this matter), ask devs to add penalties.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Maybe they all had their morning coffee and had the insta-💩💩💩

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    For me that's taco bell chalupa box /w large baja blast

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Just using survivors' weapons? They did that to spirit, legion, nurse, seems like a viable strategy to make your voice heard.

    No, i don't usually dc as killer but when i lose my patience the dc happens. Mostly frustration when i get against too good survivors that shouldn't be against my rank. Besides that, no, i don't DC

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    I can't blame Killers or Survivors for DC'ing anymore. The game is in a bad spot atm.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    Unrelated but, For some god awful reason... that picture reminded me of this weird ass commercial from 2006:

    God i feel old now, and I don't even know how I recalled that commercial, but it's still funny.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    things come up...

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Do 1/3 baha blast, 1/3 g2, and 1/3 pink lemonade. It taste like a pink starburst

    So good! I am gonna get some double stacks soon.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    On a more serious note, I honestly don't see why any killers would DC. Just existing/playing as a killer in a match these days seems to encourage survivors DC'ing so frequently, that you can hardly call this a multiplayer game at this point. I mean come on, they all have items in your lobby, you at least still have the option to lobby dodge, so if you're not gonna take on the challenge, why waste time and BP in a match at all? It's a silly privileged only killers have, but that belies the problem I personally have with DC'ing in general:

    There's something I've never understood about DC mentality... if you spend a good 5+ minutes getting BP and playing the game, why even DC at that point when all it does is get you closer to a ban, and lose your progress? Seriously how petty or entitled do you have to be to DC on your first pallet stun, First gen done without a down, First down, or Failed DS attempt?

    If you're not gonna be a good sport about it and play the game through until the end, no matter how it turns out, then why even bother playing a "MULTIPLAYER" game at all?

    Sigh... Here's hoping the DC ban system gets updated soon. I've dealt with a year of this crap, and I probably should've just stopped playing after 3 months of it, but like an idiot I held on to hope that the devs would actually do something about it. Unfortunately that "Hope" I had for them died last August, was briefly rekindled before the Oni update, and we haven't had a solid statement about it since. I just want to play the game the way I used to play it: without expecting some asshat DC'ing on my team, or on their first hit/down as killer; and thus ruining the experience for everyone else.

    These days, about half of my games has someone DC, but I never do it, regardless of what role I play... I'm not that petty, nor do I want to contribute to the only thing that is both ruining this game, and forcing me to "not recommend it to friends".

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    Then stop playing and ruining it for the rest of us... If you don't find the game to be "fun" then why do you even bother Playing? Seriously... I'm Pretty sure you just made my point.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • TheEntity03
    TheEntity03 Member Posts: 117
    edited January 2020

    I had a stupid clown tunneling me the whole game and wouldn't go for anybody else and then a survivor saved me as one of the last gen pop's and he DC. Ha take that you stupid clown.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    I had a couple games where killers DC'd recently.

    In one, it was an Oni on Lery's who, with only one or two gens left, hadn't even hit a single survivor. I noticed during chases that he wasn't able to track via scratch marks very well, so he must've been very new and he was going against survivors who had more than an hour's experience.

    The other was a Spirit on Ormond who maybe got a hit on one survivor, but overall she did poorly in chases, and in the middle of a chase with me she ran into a wall and just kept running for a few seconds before the game suddenly ended. Maybe it was a connection thing, but she probably quit on purpose.

    I couldn't blame either of them for quitting. I'm sure they were having no fun whatsoever, were very frustrated, and had probably earned next to nothing for BP. Sometimes after matches like that, I wonder if those players will ever try killer again.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    It's been my experience that killers have always DCed too, but more people scream about survivors doing it for whatever reason. I already try to make sure all five totems are done every game and there's never a chest I won't open, but there are times when I just stop doing gens because I'm like, this has gone too well for the survivors and the killer might DC if we pop this.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    This whole post brings me back to the only "Unwritten Rules" I think everyone should follow:

    1 - Play how you want to play and enjoy the game.

    2 - Respect is akin to Newtons 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ergo, if you show no respect, don't expect any.

    3 - The Killers role is to kill, the Survivors is to survive... Both by any means necessary. Hate the game, not the player.

    4 - When the gates are powered... Anything goes.

    5 - You paid money for a multiplayer experience, and thus aren't entitled to win every match. Anyone who takes umbrage to this should stick to single-player games where-in you are entitled to win (eventually) for the money you paid. Being salty because of a lost match is unbecoming, embarrassingly juvenile, and toxic to the communities reputation. We're all people pitting our skills, strategies, and knowledge against each-other. If you lose and have nothing good to say: Leave a "gg," calm down/lick your wounds, and move onto the next match.

    6 - (For PC players anyways) Post game chat can be closed using the ">>" in the lower right of the chat box, and will remain closed until you either open it again or restart the game. No one deserves abuse, so if you find yourself frustrated/angered/depressed over excessive endgame chat toxicity: Just close it, and continue enjoying the game in peace.

    7 - This is a 4v1 Lobby and Match style Multiplayer game. When you queue up to play a match, you are committing to seeing it through so that everyone can enjoy the game, and everyone else who queued up is depending on your commitment to the match in order to experience said enjoyment. The acceptable reasons for Intentionally Disconnecting from a match are as follows:

    1. A Game breaking bug rendering you incapable of playing a normal match.
    2. A Player(s) taking the game hostage/hacking/exploiting bugs or game mechanics/bullying or griefing you. (Report these ones after leaving the match)
    3. Influences and situations outside of the game that make your disconnection unavoidable in order to deal with said circumstances.

    Disconnecting from a match intentionally for any other reason is a practice in bad sportsmanship that Ruins the experience for all other players. Disconnecting over petty reasons doesn't do anything other than piss off everyone else, and makes you a worse player for it since you don't learn how to play any better by quitting. Too many DC's from too many players can also result in leaving the community as a whole with a sour experience, and could eventually kill the game we love. If you are frustrated with how a match is going; Take it in stride as a learning experience, see it through to the end, take a break, and decide if you want to queue up for another match. We all bought this game in order to play it with others despite how each match goes, and the majority of the fun this game offers is in the variation of each individual match.

    Don't be a petty DC'er.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    So in the case I'm speaking of the killers were losing. So losing is not when you're losing you quit. That's the attitude of champions right there.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    You can lose and still have fun, and i dont consider 2k'ing or 1k'ing necessary losing with the right conditions. Playing Freddy against an swf running one or more copies of OoO is not fun. Ill dodge that lobby every time. 3 gens done by the time it takes a 4.4 m/s killer to cross the map and to get to the first survivor on a hook, bye Felicia,

  • tkwmm
    tkwmm Member Posts: 103

    Go and Play killer. Ez solution. Your welcome :)

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    No need to correct his grammar, you are not his primary school teacher.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2020
  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Seems Killers don't want to be tbagged, flashlighted, and other forms of taunts at the Exit Gate. Just a thought.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Completely understandable. But that that was not happening.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Not saying you were guilty of it. But it is so common, many Killers expect it.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Yeah I play about 50/50. When I have a bad game as killer I definitely expect it lol

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    If the killer disconnects manually in game you still get your points + escape points :) They don’t seem to know that LOL (PS4)

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    The only acceptable reason to dc is imo, if something happens in real life or you running in technical issuses like a disconnect.

    And I can understand the frustration as a killer main, who plays nerfed killers, with weaker perks, on large maps in parts.

    Also the devs have encourage the people to dc. On one hand they say, they would ban everyone who did this, on the other hand they using it sometimes as an argument to justify killer nerfs.

    Well, I am curious now if the next survivor nerf will be justifyed with this^^.

    The ghost's they have call starting to devour dbd more and more.

  • perpill
    perpill Member Posts: 58

    Killer main. I didn't think of it like this. Nice perspective.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Or they could just take out the option to leave, making it slightly more complicated to leave and more inconvenient than pause, press Y.

    There are 2 types of coders. Those who think of a way more complicated way and those who find the simplest solution.

    On the other hand, we all know if DCs weren't an option. Survivors will just commit suicide and killers....well I guess can hide in a corner or the basement.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Anyone else finding it sad that @FleshTorpedo 's comment is the 2nd most upvoted on this post (first being the ghostface burger one)?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    There is always Alt+F4. Devs can’t force people to remain in matches they no longer find fun. It’s the nature of online gaming. People will just have to accept that fact.

    DC punishments wouldn’t t do much anyways. If they punish for too long, DCers would just stop playing, if the punishment is too short, people that are left with a person short will want to stop playing if it keeps happening.

    Instead, the Devs need to brainstorm and come up with ways to make it more fun for both sides. They also need to fix the plethora of bugs in the game, and optimize the console versions.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    ...stop playing? Sure why not.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Consoles dont have alt+f4 so taking out the pause leave match option would be optimizing it. And again, there would be other methods to leave, they would just be a lot harder to do and less convenient than just going back to the lobby.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Either way, play a sandbox game where losing isn't an option.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Or you know BHVR could attempt to fix why both survivors and killers are finding DC'ing is the best solution.

    Hell if making Ruin less "frustrating" for new survivors was their primary objective with the ruin change, a simple tutorial regarding hex perks and totems would have sufficed or provided a stop-gap measure until the could address the underlying problem. But no lets be oblivious and tell players of game with a declining returning population to go play another game. How are survivor queue times at red ranks right now?

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    I was originally talking to someone else. I didn't realize a different person was responding to my sarcasm with their own 😉

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2020

    You know sometimes when I have a bad match and doors get powered, I go down to basement and just pretend to go afk, because survivors can be cocky little bumholes lol you know at least 1 or 2 will come and run around you when your not moving, but yes I'll go basement and stand near chest, wont directly look at it but leave myself enough space to grab them from chest when they dare to try open it 😂😂😂 😂😂 i always hook them, but I will let them get unhooked and leave. I just do it to make myself feel better about a bad match, as it always makes me chuckle when they think I'm not by my control and I'm not going to dc because what's the point of losing my blood points, 😍😍 I want my bloodpoints

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I do this exact same thing lol. Bad games happen. I just don't get playing out 95 percent of a game then DC lol