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Infectious Fright Could Use Some Looking Into From The Devs

As a lot of us know, when it comes to perk balancing, the entire cast of killers need to be considered. You can't give I'm All Ears a cooldown buff because then killers like Nurse, Huntress etc will completely demolish with it every game it's used. Example to hand, that leads me to the reason of my thread:

Infectious Fright as it stands has zero cooldown and can be spammed with every form of attack. This can lead to games lasting as short as 1 minute. Now, when it comes to this form of strength, personally I feel like it shouldn't exist. Especially since the current spawns of survivors clump them together. Plus, perks and certain killer add-ons can combo with it to make avoiding the terror radius near impossible if you want to get gens done. The point of this thread is to ask the devs to look into Infectious Fright's application in the game and if applying a cooldown timer to it would be beneficial to the health of the perk or not. Thanks for reading, have a good day/night :)


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Infectious fright has a pretty good counter, it's called splitting up. If that isn't enough for you, UB is a great perk, especially combined with DS, and also helps against Infectious fright users (since they typically slug)

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Yeah, like you're supposed to know that a killer has Infectious Fright right from the start? Talk about skipping over the point

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Why give it a cooldown? As someone else said, split up, don't hang around someone getting chased just to get a flashlight/pallet save, and get surprised when you scream in terror at the sight of the other survivor's body hitting the ground, and then not expect someone else to also scream in terror when they see YOU hitting the ground as well. Giving it a cooldown would make no sense to me.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And you're supposed to know the survivors have decisive strike, dead hard, sprint burst, and so on and so forth from the start. No perks are clearly visible from the start, save a few (no mither, corrupt intervention, hex perks if you find a lit totem)

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I appreciate you being very positive and polite in your thread! Its a nice change as opposed to "NERF THIS, STOOPID DEVS"

    As for the topic at hand, Infectious Fright honestly is ok as it is. Its best not stay cluttered together or else you give the killer information. If it were AURA based, a cooldown would be necessary, but seeing as its simply "scream and reveal location" it's alright. In fact, Calm Spirit hard counters this!

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    And running off also counters it. Staying crouched behind your hiding spot does not. After you scream once you either learn to go away from someone wounded being chased, or you deal with the fact you might scream if they go down.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    You don't need to know the killer has IF to play around slugging. You should always be playing around slugging anyways, since its the most powerful way for a killer to snowball a game.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    I'm not trying to say it's uncounterable, perks counter perks, and simple intelligence and strategies counter things too. My point for opening the thread was to see if there is a slight overlook on the devs part about the perk. Because, majority of the time I have no issue with this perk. But there are scenarios where it is just the worst thing to go against - I'll refer to the most recent Q&A where they spoke about keeping perks individually viable but synergy wise, less obnoxious (I know they were mainly speaking of slowdowns, but it isn't far out to say they can do the same for other perks too). Main reason I opened this thread is because vsing the obnoxious combos this perk, Infectious Fright, has is just the worst. Matches turn into slug simulator and can loop like this for a long time and result in a 4-man slug/hook or killer messes up the momentum and the game slowly restarts but then devolves again. This mainly happens vs the obnoxious combos such as Infinite-Tier 3 Myers, Haunted Ground Nurse/Spirit for examples sake. These combos latch together in very boring ways to vs. I'm all for both sides having fun, so when it comes to obnoxious combos and playstyles, I would look for an alternative; or in this case, a quick examination by the Devs into the perk and see if they agree or not.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    No, you're not supposed to know. The point is that you can adjust to the match once you find out. The killer can't find three different survivors if they're running in three different directions. They might be able to down one more if all of you were super tightly grouped, but usually you'll be able to sneak away from your scream before the killer can get to it.

    Never forget that stealth is intended to be a foundational skill in this game.