Bubba gang, y'all have made me proud

Dear Bubba Gang members, for a few days I have watched us become a force to be reckoned with. Any Dwight in our way was slaughtered. Our sledge hammer has altered the face of countless survivors turning their heads into U's. Y'all have defended the basement with honor and for that, I'm proud of yall, it just brings tears to my eyes watching y'all grow into the ultimate facecamping machine. Thank y'all for y'all's support.
Sincerely, Bubba Gang Association
Bubba is love, Bubba is life.
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I love using bubba and camping with him.
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Can I join bubba gang?
I have:
-Claudette face
-Bloody mallet
-A lust for bbq
Notable skills:
-Insidious + monstrous shrine.
-Great Tuskan Raider immitation
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U pass with flying colors, ur now officially part of the Bubba gang
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:D I'm super excited! Thank you for accepting my application to bubba gang.
Off to collect copious amounts of salt!
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And depips too!
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I remember the days when piping actually mattered, I miss them
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I think a lot of people still care about them.
I have fun going against Bubba because I KNOW what's gonna happen after being hooked. Makes him that much scarier
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Exactly LF brings the fear back into the horror game, along with salt......lots and lots of salt #bubbagang
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Be honest. Isn't that why you play him like that? To make survivors salty? Simply because you are salty over the Ruin change and blame every survivor for that nerf?
If not then I apoligize, I've just seen quite a few posts about facecamping, especially as Bubba, because of the Ruin nerf. And don't get me wrong, camping is a viable strategy that is allowed. Made up rules don't need to be followed by anyone. I just think it's a bit extreme when people do this just to frustrate survivor players because of the Ruin nerf. It's a little hilarious honestly.
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No we do it so we can enjoy the game also, you do alot better facecamping nowadays. The ruin Nerf is definitely apart of this because u could still use other killers u like. Also not once have I stated every survivor is at fault, as a matter of fact I go out of my way to say it's not every survivor in most of my post. But they are the reason. It's just getting a taste of their own medicine, bubba style. This is y we r here to remind survivors that the Bubba gang is a dangerous threat and we will fight back.
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Joining is a huge commitment...
playing bubba is like a 9 to 5 job training survivors to become better survivors, being just essentially a base killer with no power against good survivors can mean a hard match... as long as you got atleast 1 kill you’ve done your job.
He will not be denied.
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I mean what own medicine? They are not in charge for the Ruin nerf.
But if you enjoy that playstyle, of course that's fine. I am not going to condemn anyone who plays like that, I just do think that if people play like that for the weird reason to just make survivors salty, that's probably a sign of some slight mental issues or just them taking a game a bit too serious. Goes for both sides of course. Survivors going out of their way to try and make the experience for killer unfun are just as damaged.
Though I am surprised that you say that you do much better with face camping now, simply because with the Ruin nerf there's no way for killer to slow down the match while camping anymore, allowing survivors to punish a camping killer with gen rush more.
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The devs took away Ruin because of the "frustration" survivors had from it, they said that themselves so yes it was survivors fault and they're now facing it's backlash, my bad let me say most survivors, and you do better because survivors try to be a hero and u can usually get two early in the basement, then about 1 gen will be left and you should be able to get one more on a hook. I speak from experience on this. This is not to make it unfun for survivors, but to make it fun for us, that's just a side effect, besides survivors don't care if we have fun so why should we care if they do. What do u think survivors are thinking when they bring flashlights? They're not needed but they know how annoying it is for killer. I agree with u that it's a strategy so I don't complain, but every action has a reaction, and about u saying we're taking this too seriously, no body in this post was taking anything seriously but you.
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It's not an effective way to play the game at all.
There are two reasons to facecamp-
1- You are bad at the game and can't win chases.
2- It's funny.
Sometimes a depip is worth the salt.
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I was only protecting my chest.
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You say this, but Bubba Gang has seen what happens, ur talking to a experienced Bubba, it's effective about 70% of the time, and also depip doesn't even matter lately because you can be rank 15 and go against rank 5's so there's no downside to joining the Bubba Gang, you should tag along
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Yeah those theiving Dwight's luv to try and steal from us