Devs, do you plan to look at Nurse again in the future?

It's been about three months since the Nurse changes, and while the community backlash was strong at first, it died down fast and was nothing compared to the backlash of the recent Hex:Ruin changes. While Nurse definitely needed change to her add-ons, many people (myself included) didn't think her base-kit should have been changed. Despite the fact that one of the goals of her change was to make her more appealing for new players to pick up, she quickly dropped to one of the least picked and most under performing killers in the game next to Clown. I personally understood the direction the devs were going in for her change but I think it's clear to most people that her changes were executed poorly. Having strong killers in the game should be okay, I think Spirit is in a great position right now, and I think Nurse should have been changed to be similar to Billy, she would have a sharp learning curve with high pay off. I think more Killers should be molded around Billy, Myers, and Demi, in my opinion the three most balanced killers to ever be in the game.

My question to the dev team is if there are any plans for Nurse changes in the future, and if not, has it at least been discussed by the dev team. I think good Nurse players should be able to contend with Spirit, I don't want her to be as easy to dominate players with as before, but I want to see Nurses in high ranks again.

TL;DR: I think most people agree that the Nurse changes were executed poorly and want to know if the devs have looked into tweaking her or not.