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An other DS sugesstion

Hey everyone,

i was thinking a ton about DS lately and how it doesnt work at its current state as a fair perk to play against. It is supposed to be a anti-tunnel perk. But in its current state its possible that the killer hooks 2 other people and you still get to use your anti-tunnel perk. Sound kinda like you missed the mark in that aspect.

Also i witnessed both as a killer and a survivor that especially towards the end of the game DS would be used to brute force a unsafe unhook, if the person on the hook has DS.

With that backround information here is my idea for a DS that is a better anti tunnel perk.


Using whatever at hand, you stab at your agressor in an ultimate attempt to escape.

After beeing safetly unhooked or unhooking yourself, DS becomes active and useable for 60 sec. This timer is reduced by 30 second everytime an other survivor is hooked.

While DS is active, when grabbed by the killer, succeed a skill-check to automaticly escape the killers grasp and stun the killer for 5 seconds. After escapeing the killers grasp you get 150% sprint speed for 1.5 seconds.

Succeeding or failing the skill-check will disable this perk.

Successfully stunning the killer will result in you becoming the obsession.

Increases your chanches of beeing the obsession.

The Killer can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.


What are the changes?

-DS activates only after a safe unhook (unhooking yourself isnt changed)

-If someone else gets hooked, the timer gets reduced by a lot.

-If you use DS, you get an extra speed boost to get away

I think this would make DS mare fair to play against, make the Anti-Tunnel Theme even stronger, while giving killers better ways to counter it, besides looking at you crawling for 60 seconds. To compensate for the stricter requirements to use DS, you get half a sprint burst with no exhaustion for your getaway.

What are your thoughts on it?


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    There's several problems with your ideas:

    First, it wouldn't discourage tunneling at all. In fact it'd encourage it because by definition an unsafe hook is when either the unhooker or the hooked get hit. That means that the killer can just hit the guy on the hook within 10 seconds, put him back on the hook, and it'd be absolutely no problem. Because once the person being unhooked is hit, its by definition an unsafe hook.

    Second, by shortening the timer with a different hook, you've basically made the perk completely worthless. Especially since it needs a safe unhook to begin with. DS would NEVER get to be used.

    DS isn't unfair to play against. Killers can already just slug you and leave you there until they think its safe to pick you up. Or just wait for you to bleed out. And don't forget you're in an injured state after Decisive strike anyway. So if the killer hunts you down again and hits you, its game over. Had a game like that tonight as matter of fact. A Michael Meyers hooked me, a Dwight got slugged while I got saved. I went back up to the generator not realizing Meyers was there about to kick the generator (which was 99% done). I fixed the generator, he pulled me off, I DS'ed him, ran as fast as I could but he still got me in the end. The others got away though, since it was the last generator. Even after DS, the killer still has an opportunity to catch the person and hook them again.

    Also if the killer is hooking two other people in one minute, the game's already pretty much in his favor. Not sure why it needs to be made more so.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    You want DS the most during an unsafe save since the killer is already gonna get an easy down on the rescuer.

    Your idea to reduce the timer as well is an okay idea, maybe like 15 seconds instead of 30 taken off.