Keys & Moris



I'm not going to give a long overview of this post (because we don't really need one), so I'll just say that both remove gameplay opportunities from each side. I play both roles and would like both to receive as fair of a change as possible. I'm not too keen on the idea of "removing Moris", or nerfing Keys into the ground. All I care about is fair balance between the two.


  • Dull & Skeleton Keys now require the Survivor to complete a short interaction lasting 4 seconds, in order to open the Hatch. The Killer can interrupt a Survivor who is completing said action. (This prevents situations where the Survivor (or group of Survivors) run to the Hatch, and immediately escape with no form of counterplay on the end of the Killer. Keys remain powerful, but require more attention to be used.)
  • Broken Keys now have built in Survivor aura reading up to a 28 meter range. (This adds some use to Broken Keys without forcing the Survivor to equip addons.)


  • Ivory Mori: After hooking all Survivors, grants the ability to Kill one Survivor. (This prevents the Killer from singling out one Survivor at the very beginning of a trial and removing them early from the game. The Killer must have hooked all Survivors at least once in-order to have the option to Kill a single Survivor.)
  • Ebony Mori: After hooking all Survivors and Summoning the Entity, grants the ability to Kill all Survivors. (This prevents the Killer from ending the game too quickly by removing one, or more players from the trial early on. The Killer must have hooked all Survivors at least once, and trigger the Struggle Phase by either hooking the Survivors multiple times, or by progressing the sacrificial process into the Struggle Phase.)

Thanks for taking the time to read the post, see you on the forums.
