What are your new thoughts on the Doctor?

Personally, I loved the old doctor. He wasn't too OP. He was fair.
Now he's too OP.
Every match is 4k and that's not how the game should be.
Master killers should have a 2k average. Sometimes you get 4. Sometimes you get none.
In my group, we are all or have been red rank level 1 survivors so we know what we're doing. One of us stopped playing for 6 months so he's a 20 now but was a 1.
My point is that depending on who created the group, we've been matched with everything from level 1 doctors to level 18 doctors.
But I finally realized why some killers whine when i, as a killer main, clearly see the killers are all way too OP.
It's because they think it's a failure if they don't get 4k and they can't handle it.
But that's not how I see it.
A master killer SHOULD get no kills sometimes. The goal is for everyone to win half the time.
Whiney killers have unrealistic expectations
For Christ's sake, the killer walks faster. That makes catching you INEVITABLE EVERY TIME.
Then when you add perks and add-ons, ######### like Michael's tuft of hair and Judith's Tombstone so he has unlimited evil within III and can insta Mori survivors he hasn't even hit....
Or the trapper increasing the time it takes to escape a trap so THIRTEEN TIMES DOESNT FREE YOU, like being injured and shown where you are isn't enough of a freebie lol
I just don't know where these killers are that feel so beat up cuz EVERY MATCH I PLAY, WHETHER KILLER OR SURVIVOR IS 4K
0/10 bait...trying too hard
About the post: doc is easier to understand for both sides and snapping out of it is slightly less of a hassle. I'd say you need to improve your gameplay performance.
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Personally I haven't got an opinion on if he's op or not.
I am however having trouble countering this new doctor. I know that not all that much has changed but he just seems much tougher to escape from
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New doctor just fine, tic for tac, easier to get out of madness in return he gain information from his static blast. He's more viable now but end of the day still an m1 killer, people just need to get use to the changes
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So much so that you even changed your avatar in his honour!
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RIP Plague 🙁 But yeah, I agree with you about Doctor. I'm not a killer main, but I am a Doctor main, and I've really been loving him since the rework.
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He's not op at all, all the times I faced him the killer resorted to camping and tunneling to get something done. On the other hand I, who spent a lot of time getting good on old Doc, feel he is a lot more fluid and less cluncky to play. Maybe a little bit stronger since you have more control on your power, but not much.
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New Doctor is absolutely spectacular.
I love playing as him and I love playing against him
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Interesting, I hadn't noticed any bugs, but I've only played a few games with her since the update. So I imagine you would know better than I would.
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I love him and I think BHVR nailed it
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They need to revert "snap out of it" changes back to the way it was and make it so static blast doesn't inflict madness past tier 2
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I like how this post ended up being about just how all killers are op though.
I disagree though, if a survivor team is actually good, not having any weak link, than killers need both good chase potential and strong map pressure to have a fair chance at winning. Especially with how fast gens can be repaired.
Doctor to me seems like a perfectly balanced killer.
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Well to be fair counterplay shouldn't allow you to escape from a killer in most cases, but should simply allow you to survive in chases as long as possible so you waste more time of the killer. The less time you can waste against a killer, the stronger the killer probably is in chases, which is something killers need to keep up with gens.
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I love new Doc. He's far less cumbersome to play as. And he's more enjoyable to play against.
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Went from my favorite killer, to one I’m not gonna play anymore, unfortunately.
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Honeymoon period. Players are still getting used to new Doc, it'll take a couple weeks for him to stabilise. I think he's net positive in strength, his main power is a slightly better clown bottle and his secondary is a great tracking tool, but he's still nowhere near as good as his performance rn would have you believe. People can still get zapped and just drop the pallet, there's not enough loops where that can be punished, the zap still slows him down allowing the survivor to gain distance. He's stronger but not by much, maybe somewhere around a C tier killer.
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anybody who's played him forever can tell you he's no stronger or weaker overall
1/10 for the bait attempt.
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Glad it wasn't just me noticing. She seems off with quite a few things as well as her sounds.
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Because they nerfed not just his power, but made most of his addons useless. Snap out of it change would be fine if they adjusted afflictions accordingly, but they kept it for tier 2/3 only
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My personal experience coming from a purple rank survivor isn’t good.. I’ve played against him 3 times and me and random teammates haven’t survived. On smaller maps, he’s ridiculously annoying to play against, on larger maps he can’t apply as much pressure.
I think the most annoying part is that during the static blast you can’t throw pallets.
I find him annoying to play against now, more than I used to.
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He is not op. He can use his power only if survor stay in a small loop. He is the opposite of Huntress.
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I was apprehensive of the Snap Out Of It changes and the fact you can't keep people in Tier 2 madness anymore.
However, given chases feel less clunky now and I can get a survivor location pretty much on command now - I think it all evens out.
Yes, the survivors are missing less skill checks now, but it doesn't matter - I'm finding them even faster now which makes up for the time I lost.
I have yet to try a full "Screw your skill checks" build yet though as I spent my first few games making sure it hasn't affected the Calm Doc build I was previously running. A new "screw your skill checks" build will be tested soon, however....
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My only problem with him is the gargantuan buff to his basic shock. It can't be juked; he has to completely miss you via range or facing an entirely different direction. On top of this, it's now extremely fast, so almost every single pallet and window is a free hit for him.
I think the Madness changes are good, as well as the addition of his radial blast, though it could stand to have a slightly longer cooldown.
However, his terror radius is kinda broken, imo. I can never discern how far he actually is until he's on top of me and it switches over.
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All my games against Doc 90% of the time I was either in tier 3(while in chase) or tier 1. There was barely any time when I was in tier 2 during the games. And his addons don't do much in chase.
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Overall positive. But I'm sure they'll sneak in a nerf in a hotfix in the next few weeks.
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I’m just gonna quote my replies in another post:
“Okay, I want to preface this by saying for the survivor side, Doctor is definitely more fun to play against, and that I fully understand the direction Behavior took with him.
That being said, and I’m gonna do my best to summarize this; the specific play style that I employed with Doctor is significantly less effective now.
My outlook on killers is that you must be able to apply pressure globally. So with Doctor I utilized his gigantic Static Field terror radius with Calm and Order.
The build: BBQ, Distressing, Overcharge, and Unnerving Presence.
The aim: Make late game 3 Gens near unbeatable.
Doctor isn’t Billy, Nurse, or Spirit. He can’t zip around the map, or ignore pallets freely. So chases tend to last longer and Gens pop against Doctor very quickly in the early game. But so long as you protected the 3 closes Gens, then that’s all you needed.
With a 3 Gen combined with Doctor’s enormous terror radius, madness is always being affecting every single survivor. Which applies pressure in the eventual tier 3, but more importantly a constant tier 2 combined with the aforementioned perks made Gen progression near impossible.
I was able to circumvent Doctor’s weaknesses by supercharging his strength. I consistently double pipped every other game, kept rank 1, and got lots of Blood Points.
If you have anymore questions then I’d be happy to answer. But yeah, I hate the Doctor now.”
“You're welcome.
Although it’s not just the Static Field.
It’s in combination with the major nerfs to Snap Out of It, Madness, and because of how Static Blast interacts with Calm and Order:
Before Static Field was a constant large terror radius whenever you wanted with Calm:
Now whenever you use Static Blast (your only global presence) it considerably lowers your terror radius. Plus, before Order essentially reduced the time in between madness tiers. But now you’re locked in on a 60 second cool down for global tiers no matter what.
On top of the multiple Snap Out of It nerfs, like that you can get out of tier 2 now, so all your afflictions won’t work constantly.
I completely understand how people really like Doctor now, because he fits the mold right for most people now. But I can’t possibly understand how people think he’s a better killer now, much less top tier.”
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Regarding the Terror Radius - it's probably because of how the Calm Add-on works with the rework. Previously, it increased his terror radius when in treatment mode so most docs ran around with it switched on with it not in a chase. The new Calm now only increases his terror radius when his shockwave is up and ready to be used - it then reduces his terror radius a set amount. When combined with Monitor and Abuse - it sets up some confusing heartbeat moments.
The purple Calm affects the terror radius by 8 meters. As you recall, Terror radius is affected by 8 meters by Monitor and Abuse as well.
At the start of a match with his shockwave up and ready to go, a Doc running Purple Calm and MnA will have a regular 32 meter Terror radius (-8 from Monitor And Abuse for not being in a chase, +8 from Calm for having his shockwave ready) The moment he fires that shockwave, his terror radius PLUMMETS to 16 meters as it's now being reduced both by the purple Calm Addin and Monitor and Abuse at this point.
So if you hear the heartbeat, then he shocks you with his shockwave and his heartbeat suddenly disappears - congrats, you now know you're facing a Calm doc and need to be vigilant because his terror radius is going to fluctuate.
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Ah, that sucks. Make sure to report it if you get the chance, it might help the devs in fixing them sooner!