Stop taking your dedicated player base for granted

That is exactly what the devs are doing. They are completely shifting gears with the laser focus of attracting new survivors. The Ruin nerf was just part of it. The main reason it was nerf because new survivors struggled with it. What I find more bothersome is the "streamlining" of killers, making them more similar than different. Why? So new survivors have less to learn. I was just reading someones ideas for some Clown additions which seemed very cool.

First thing I thought, was there was no way the devs would do this, as it would be too complicated for new survivors.

Perhaps the devs should show concern for the people who made this game as successful as it is. The ones who buy the ridiculously priced cosmetics. The ones who buy the DLC chapters the day the come out. The ones who give a damn enough to spend time on these forums.
