A killer stream snipped me and admitted it in my chat is this bannable?
I was playing with my friends while streaming when a new viewer joined and posted in my chat "mori red" he proceeded to tunnel me and use my stream to get competitive advantage. He told me to "go ahead" and report him and said "got tv twitch as name and complain after that i mori I mean stream snipe"
I don't have twitch.tv in my name as my IGN is Black_Fence I do however had a link to my twitch in my profile bio on steam.
My concern is this guy doing it to multiple people ruining their games and just being toxic on DBD in total. I left the match as he killed me and didn't spectate my friends like I normally do to avoid them getting snipped but I think it is totally unjust for him to get away with it. I don't want to go to waste my time editing my video down and uploading evidence if it is not bannable but I think it should go against the "using other programmes to gain competitive advantage" do it not?
Getting stream sniped is not a bankable offense. The devs have stated this many times. You are putting your stream out in the public of your own free will. If you dont want stream sniped, then dont stream.
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Why though, it ruins the game for people. Why should we not be allowed to do something because someone is an arsehole? That is like saying "If you didn't want to get hit by a car you shouldn't have crossed the road"
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I mean, you won't get hit by the car if you're not crossing the road, so it's true. It's a small chance you'd get hit in the first place, but it's still a chance. Same with getting streamsniped too. You accept the low risk by crossing the "road".
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It's like you are literally playing a game of cards and showing everyone your cards and saying. Dont look at my cards... lol.
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No streamsniping isnt bannable.
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Probably because the person isn’t doing anything wrong in game. They didn’t take advantage of any bugs or exploits. They just watched you play from your own point of view using their browser, an application that Behavior has no control over. It’s a risk you take with streaming.
Also, your viewers are able to go watch the killer you’re against if they’re streaming and help you out. Heck, if you miss something during the game, like over look a lit totem, your viewers can point it out and tell you that you just missed it.
Maybe you personally don’t do this, but I have seen it happen with more popular streamers. Devs really don’t have control over it.
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By that logic I could use an external program to view someone's screen as killer and tunnel them but it wouldn't be bannable because it is outside the game. Seems silly someone can literally cheat by using an external thing and not get banned for it.
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It is allowed, as there is nothing wrong with it.
Use anything to your advantage to win the game.
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I mean go ahead and do it if you want. Nobody is gonna stop ya
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It's not bannable by BHVR - however, this is bannable by Twitch themselves, it's against their TOS - so if you have proof of it happening, please take it to them, they are in charge of their own platform.
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Perfect I will report him there. I have also reported him on Steam.
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He will just make a new twitch account but do whatever makes you feel good lol
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I don't know what DBD does or does not do regarding this matter. Allegedly they don't care about it. But if anything Twitch has seems to have more sense about it. You can in fact report this guy to twitch, he admitted to doing it, so it shouldn't be too hard. I imagine streamsnipes can be harder to prove, but actually full on admitting it is another thing. So. You can at least report him there.
It is a competitive advantage over another player, plain and simple. It should not be tolerated. DBD should change things so you can not "easily" stream snipe and also have an anti stream snipe screen (if you will). DBD hates people lobby dodging. People will check profiles on steam all the time and choose to lobby dodge, for people having certain amount of hours etc. Make it so you can't see their names OR profiles until the complete end of the match. Stalking someone shouldn't be so easily accessible from within a game-atleast pre-match.,. Also, allow SWF to be shown at the end match as well. I think these added things will benefit the game and create less frustration over all in players.
-Edited name out: Guess a mod already answered.
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I agree. As someone that plays both killer and survivor I think it is ridiculous the killers get to see survivors details but not the other way around. I am disabled and am unable to work so streaming is my mini job at the moment I am going to make a stream sniping screen for next time it happens so I can pull that up and just troll the killer/survivor doing it. For him to tunnel me alone and bring a ebony mori though was just a ######### thing to do.
Dbd Devs are trying to balance around SWF, when are they going to balance around stream snipers? There is a vast difference.
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well, that still is true for voice chat. The game was designed without voice chat, and it should be handles exactly the same way, for the same reasons.
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As I have said the Devs are balancing around VC for example the obsession claws, the kindred buff ect they are not balancing around a killer knowing your location for the entire game until they have tunnelled you to death...
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Not the same logic, a streamer chooses to put his stream out in the public for everyone to see it, most even make it known by having it as a nickname ingame. Also im not entirely sure since I never streamed and I dont watch streamers but I believe you have an option to delay your stream by several minutes so you cant get sniped.
If you hack someone to see his point of view he isnt doing it by his own accord, he isnt making his screen public for everyone to watch, you are intruding into his PC against his will.
The key difference is the streamer gives away his view freely, the other person does not.
Take it as if streaming was like walking nude on the street where everyone can see you freely and the program you say is like walking nude into your room with the window blinds shut but the neighbour makes a hole in the wall to spy you.
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yes, you have said that, but you are wrong. Giving solo survivors this buffs helps them, but dosnt balance the unfair advantage they have against the killer. Where is this balancing for the killer? he has only 4 perks, while survivors on coms have several in addition (the ones that now solo player have too, IF they chose to take the perk, so they are just one perk down each).
Thats not balance.
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Because they cannot buff killers until they balance around SWF, because if they buff killers to SWFs solo survivors suffer for no reason.
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Balance around swf? How on earth did you get that impression? It's blatantly obvious none of their balancing has been done around swf. They balance around new players.
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Yes. There is no balance for killers. And thats why the comparison between voice com and stream sniping is valid, in my opinion, and therefore, should be handled the same. It might change when it is balanced, but right now, its not.
Allowing that imbalance just to happen to one side doesn´t help anyone.
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I tend to mori streamers as most I have met are extremely toxic, but I wont ruin my game for it. Stream sniping is disgusting tho I'm sorry u had that experience.
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Of course it's not lmfao. You decided to stream. That is your problem.
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Of course not, you are putting your screen up for everyone to see, if they look that's your self created problem.
Also don't put your stream on your steam or in your name or anything, else you are going to be inviting that exact problem.
It is not and will never be a bannable offense, and frankly the idea of it being one is humorous.
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Just ignore, you'll only be feeding him with the report etc, some people get their rocks off when they trigger you and will keep hounding you
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Tru3, one of the biggest DBD streamers has been sniped for literally years by the same person. BHVR don't care.
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When is he ever gonna put a non stream sniping screen on. At this point he's doing it to himself.
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He did use an overlay for a while and it made no difference so there’s no point.
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I actually had a match with him and didn't know it was him. since guess what, he never placed ttv in his name or in his profile. Later he uploaded a video stating that he just had his worst legion match ever
Soo in some way I should feel proud?
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You accept the low risk by crossing the road... Yeah he accepts the risk but it doesn't mean it's fair. Your analogy doesn't work at all here because if we are going by the logic of the situation it would mean drivers aren't punished for running someone over. Let's reword that analogy to make it make sense.
Your accepting the risk of getting ran over by crossing the road when it looks safe but if a driver speeds round the corner and mows you down for crossing the road and getting in the way then he's punished so the killer should be as well...
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Put a delay on your stream
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AHA!!! So you ADMIT to the dreaded Fruit-loop hack!
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Do I really need to spell out that the driver didn't get punished and extend the analogy even further? The driver got away. There you go.
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@Sairek pretty much nailed it on the last page. Obviously a lot of people would agree it's sort of a dick move, but it's impossible to actually enforce a rule against it. The player mentioned in this thread did admit to it, but what if they don't? Only ban if they admit it? Because then it'll pretty easy for snipers to catch on and never get banned.
And believe me banning for streamsniping based on any other evidence than a confession is a terrible idea. PUBG had controversial bans for it that made a lot of players feel like the devs only cared about big streamers, there's that one clip of Ninja playing Fortnite and accusing someone of streamsniping that made a bit of a splash. It's just not possible to fairly ban someone for it unless they confess to it, ever.
EDIT: Oh and on top of that if it's gonna get someone banned, that's something the streaming site someone's using should take care of. Just like you don't report people leaving really vile garbage on your Steam profile to BHVR just because it happened after a match of DBD - you report that to Steam.
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Just don't have your twitch username as your steam name.
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Good on him for sniping.
I personally find it a gross intrusion of my personal privacy to have my gameplay streamed.
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Youre not allowed to tell killers to stop being toxic i played all weekend and it eas nothing but 4ks but im sure every killer main will tell you it was full of teabagging toxic SWFs. Point being. You came to the wrong place for help from killers. Killers dont like being told what they can and cant do despite them literally trying to justify thinga like keys being removed. You just have to accept that killers just in general are gonna do ######### like that and you just have to hope ever killer you meet is a nice guy who doesnt facecamp or tunnel and will give the last guy hatch.
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Boo ######### hoo. get better at loops. the killer literally can't win if your good at loops and only follows you.
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Yeah wanted to win that badly and saw no other way of beating you so take pride in that much. Other than that like others had said it's not bannable for some reason.
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That analogy is wrong. Playing the game is crossing the busy road, therefore comes with the risk of being run over.
Playing in the busy street, then getting run over is a more accurate analogy for what you're doing
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At least you're not getting swatted or doxxed, there's a lot of messed up people out there that get enjoyment of those things, stream sniping in a game is nothing compared to that.
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Got to ask this here. Since the new match making system is happening and it's base on player skill can people still join other people's games like this? Considering if they won't be at the same skill level.
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I am glad he wrecked you. More killers should wreck SWF. I hope people on twitch also got to see you get wrecked.