Killers unite!

Okay so as we all know survivors out rank killers 4 to 1. So for every survivor who says Nerf ruin three more chime in. This is why killers main gripes go by unaddressed (also killers put up with so much stuff that it doesn't even phase them no more) I think killers need to take a stand on gen speed and voice our opinion loud and clear to BHVR I encourage all killer mains to message the developers and let them know our frustration or else nothing will change and it will only get worse
That's not how this works, that's not how any of it works.
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Nerf Billy!!
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To be fair the new nerf was a bit of a doozy. Still agree with you though.
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Oh yeah, please- because it was SO MUCH FUN playing against instablinds, insta heals (so the chase meant nothing). OH YES! The vaccum I really, really loved that. So balanced to literally to the other side of a pallet. Survnurse nerf when?
Most of the examples in that pic are just an absolute joke and people want to defend them and name them 'nerfs' and not see them as the balance/gameplay issue they really were. I really can't stress this enough, both sides have had things taken from them and each time they simply laugh at the opposite, they feel no remorse or anything for it either. They ridicule them afterwords of what 'babies' they are for having relied on something that was meta for such a long time. People need to get out of their friggin comfort zone and play each role equally. Then and only then, they should be allowed to make any sort of balance suggestion.
If it doesn't stop, which I sadly have not a lot of hope for. Then I we can begin scaling everything against each other, because both sides have been hit with these 'nerfs'.
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All I heard when viewing your post was “ wha wha whine....fart noise”.
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Thanks for proving the point though! :D
"I really can't stress this enough, both sides have had things taken from them and each time they simply laugh at the opposite, they feel no remorse or anything for it either. They ridicule them afterwords of what 'babies' they are for having relied on something that was meta for such a long time."
Fits what I pictured perfectly! Let's forget about being civil right? People shouldn't discuss things normally. Let's just make fun of it and ignore them. Way to go. ^^
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The conclusion being what exactly? The wha wha fart noise?
Because that conclusion is not something he should be proud of. Those were game breaking things and were not fun to play against. It should be human to understand that others want to enjoy something too and not ridicule them for feeling someone else is being preferred unfairly. When put into the role as Killer, they aren't supposed to be your play thing. Same goes for Survivors, they aren't the killers play thing either. This forum really takes the cake for both roles showing off their best though.
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All I heard when viewing your post was “ wha wha whine....fart noise”.
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You deserve and award, Dwight. Have a nice day.
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The difference is: Killers dont have any valid arguments.