Can i activate 3D sound?

I just wonder if i can activate 3D surround sound so when i hear the killer music at the right when hes coming from the right for example.
Best Answer
I think that's just your Headphones as well and not the game itself.
Some Killer sounds are currently buggy as well like The Spirits "Woosh" sound and other such things, players also claim that this is the case for Survivors as well but I personally haven't seen any issues in-game related to sound bugs.
well, we all play with "3D surround sound"
you just have to put on earphones
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Well i have good headphones but i can't hear what side he is i like hear the music in both ears.
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is this option crossed ?
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Well i think so i can check.
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Yes that was checked
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Killer music is directional?
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I don't know that's why i asked
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mmmh, then i think it's not a game problem... maybe it's your computer / headphones,
sorry if it's silly to ask but, are your headphones capable of doing 3D sound on other games ? // did you try other headphones ?
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Oh. Well I'm pretty sure it isn't. Only certain things are directional, such as footsteps. Music is generally non-directional.
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If you keep it on default settings and use headphones than you should be fine, my settings for audio are mostly on default and I get "3D Sound" the entire time.
It could just be your head-phones like these two have said above or it's your computer depending on where the sound comes from with surround sound.
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The terror radius is non-directional. It's not a headphone or audio settings issue, it's how the game's sound is configured. So there isn't anything you can do on your end to change that, unfortunately.
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Killer music, terror radii, and lullabies are non-directional. Huntress' lullaby (not the perk) used to be directional due to the danger of her long range, but the developers decided to remove that aspect of her. (I've hated playing against Huntresses on most maps ever since then because of how I cannot discern between 40 meter lullaby and 21 meter lullaby. Perhaps it is my headphones, however, I am unsure.)