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At what point does Doctor defending a 3 gen become Hostage Doc?


Just had a really rough game on Lery’s with a really strong set up (which I am fairly sure was a 3-gen) near the center. Myself and two teammates had been trying to work on the middle gen from the very beginning of the game, and could not get it past roughly 25% progress in spite of the match lasting long enough for doc to get a full 32k and multiple survivors to get over 20k. There was another gen probably 16m from it in a crossroads in the hallway, and I assume the last was close by, because our fourth teammate was working their way around the edge of the map and doing generators out there, fairly undisturbed.

I mention we were trying to finish one of those two central gens from the start because it was fairly obvious the doctor was patrolling them very closely, even before we’d gotten more than 1-2 generators done.

I understand that planning for and defending a 3 gen isn’t an exploit, but I’ve dealt with plenty of three-gens before. Between the constant overcharges and near-constant T3 madness requiring endless snap-outs, it felt like you could barely touch the gen for more than a few seconds of progress before doc was on you again.

It was extraordinarily frustrating and I honestly enjoy playing against a solid three gen under the usual circumstances; it’s tense and exciting and always a really close game. This time was very different. Maybe it was technically winnable, but it definitely didn’t feel like it.

Worth noting that the Doc was not using Distressing, which I believe is a usual part of hostage Doc builds; he did have the Calm Class II addon, though, which extends his terror radius while static blast is available.

For the record, the entire build was Overcharge T3, NOED T1, Deerstalker T1, and Iron Grasp T1, and Calm Class II + Interview Tape (shock therapy 20m beam) addons. The NoED makes me think maybe he didn’t even intend to make the game go the way it did, but I guess it could also be an insurance policy.

Best Answer


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    The issue with this story is that it doesn't mention if The Killer was not hitting anyone and just shocking the Generators and keeping them from being done the entire time for an unnecessary amount of it.

    If he was, than it can be considered "holding the game hostage" since he's not doing anything to progress the game with Killing Survivors and he's preventing Survivors from finishing the Generators through hitting, downing, etc.

    If he did all that, than he was holding the game hostage yeah, if he was playing normally but just "camping" that tight nit of Generators to keep them from being completed while also downing and hooking Survivors than... it's not holding the game hostage.

    The reason for that is this, there's still progress being done on both sides, both sides are doing their objective, albeit slowly, and they're progressing the game forward through getting killed, downing Survivors and hooking them, or trying to work on said Generators to progress the game forward.

    In the case for a 3 gen defense Doctor you should risk a lot to get one of those Generators done, since once 1 is done than the rest are pointless to protect since another Generator is like 10 miles away for example (exaggeration). But we don't know the full story so, it's hard to tell which is which here.