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If you were to suggest 10 top tips for survivors, what would they be

I’ve been playing DBD for a couple months, still find myself making stupid mistakes. I’m not super knowledgeable when it comes to terminology with the game like looping and the like. I just want to get up to speed and hope anyone else that is new-ish to DBD can read this and do the same. I love this game more than anything I’ve ever played. Thanks in advance!


  • goon375v2
    goon375v2 Member Posts: 15

    My gamer tag (Xbox one) is “Goon375v2”

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    I would suggest watching videos on youtube of how to loop (how to run from a killer basically) . there are some pretty powerful areas on maps that you can run around for awhile . doing this will buy your teammates some time to do gens .

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    Biggest thing I had to learn was the timing of things.

    Like you dont have to rush the hook, you've got plenty of time and whether you unhook them right when they are hooked or just before the 2nd phase will not change the fact that they will still be on 2nd hook if they go down again.

    Sometimes it makes more sense to stay on the gen

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    Don't be ######### #########.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I'm not amazing at survivor, but here's a few tips.

    Don't always run the second you see the killer. Try sneak around obstacles or hide in a locker. If you run even slightly, they'll see scratches and work out where you went.

    Use pallets sparingly. This is a must since you will find them life savers (When they work). Try to loop a killer around a pallet area as much as you feel safe to do, then drop the pallet either on them, or as they come close.

    Killers will gain 'Bloodlust' as they continue a chase with you, boosting their speed. This goes to Bloodlust 3, which is max speed and easy to catch you. To snap them out of this, you need to escape, usually by losing line of sight for a couple of seconds, or escaping away from them. You'll know when it happens by the 'Escaped' points tally at the side.

    Unhooking. Don't always go rushing in for a unhook. Many killers will patrol the area hoping someone will rush in. If you're on a Gen, continue the Gen as long as possible. If you are going for a unhook, watch the area around you. If it's a regular killer, you'll see them coming, but if it's a stealth (Ghostface, Myers) they will sneak up on you.

    Totems will help you a lot! If you see a Totem (Skulls) destroy it! If you see a lit one, be wary of it. Usually this is Ruin or Devour Hope, but it could also be a Hex that causes Exposed (Instant Down on hit). Try destroy totems as you find them when possible, as a killer could have NOED which only activates when the Gates are powered. This is a instant down hit on anyone.

    Hope this helps you out. I'm sure there are better survivors that could give more advice, but good luck on your trials!

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    • Don’t run to the hook when the killer is chasing you
    • Don’t give the killer a free hook by hooktrading
    • Don’t go for basement unhooks unless you have Borrowed Time
    • Rush the inner gens first with another survivor. Try to leave them spread out for the end.
    • Cleanse any dull totems you see.
    • Trigger a Hag trap to activate Borrowed Time. She’s gonna run back to the hook if you unhook anyway.
    • If the killer has you slugged move away from other slugged or hooked survivors.
    • Don’t go for great skill checks unless you’re an a pro. A good skillcheck is far better than a failed skillcheck.
    • Don’t loop the basement area while injured.
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Tips for new survs? Let's see...

    I'd say, firstly prepare your build. Check out exhaustion perks, most survs use one of them:

    Adrenaline and Sprintburst (both belong to Meg), Dead Hard (David King), Lithe (Feng Min), Balanced Landing (Nea), Head On (Jane Romero).

    Try creating builds, which have synergy between perks. For example, Lithe+Dance with me(that's teachable from Kate).

    Another thing you can try, is to make build, which have perks for different styles. Kinda jack of all trades. Either way, it's worth to check all perks.

    Know your enemy. Try figure out some tactics for every killer and how to counterplay him. Worth to check all killer perks as well. When you understand killer perks, you can scout knowledge about killer loadout, making your counterplay more effective.

    Know the maps. Maps in DbD are generated with tiles - squares with different elements and constructions. Every map have main structure, which spawns always at the same place (Thompson's house, Myers's house e t c). Other elements worth checking are jungle gyms, TL walls and killer shack. Iam not gonna explain all of them, just gonna give you names, so you can google them.

    Knowing these structures are important for maximizing time, which you can waste from killer by looping around (running in circles as long as possible). Guides will help you.

    Also, last thing I'll say that there are mindgamable and unmindgamable pallets. Or, simply put, unsafe and safe pallets. Safe(unmindgamable) are ones, which forces killer walk way too big circle to catch survivor while he vaults over dropped pallet. Unsafe are opposite. As surv you want to stay at safe dropped pallets and abandon unsafe asap. As killer you want to break safe pallets and trick survs to hit them at unsafe ones. Jungle gym and killer shack have safe pallets.

  • goon375v2
    goon375v2 Member Posts: 15

    As far as watching YouTube videos and googling stuff; I’m. Not slacking on that stuff by any means. Seeing input from people directly seems more valuable to me as far as the value of information. And trying to see it from another person’s mindset. I really appreciate all the suggestions!