I'm getting so sick of people's attitudes

I know this is just another vent post but this has really annoyed me tonight. So I get gen rushed and end up hooking someone who got cocky at the gate.

The hook was directly in front of the exit gate so it was either I stay by them or I let everyone escape and depip/lose BP. I had to face camp and ended up getting a 1k. The person messages me and I apologise. I don't normally play like that, I don't run any toxic builds or perks or anything like that, and I just say to them it was an unfair situation on both sides and that I had no choice. So they tell me that I "did have a choice" and I should have let them all go???? I'm sorry but I'm a KILLER my job is to not let survivors escape! Yes I played toxicly but I had no other choice and these survivors just expect me to let them all go and lose points? I try to play nicely but I don't have to at all my job is to stop them I'm getting so sick of getting messages and getting told that I "tunnelled" or "lag switched" them. I wish there was something we could do about these entitled survivors.


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Don't apologise for the fact that this game has descended into this. I'm having to resort to these tactics too, and I hate myself for it. I always try to have a fair match, but how can anyone have a fair match when Gens just go off left and right so easily. The Devs need to wake up and see this damn issue!

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Any so called rules go out the window once the gens are done. Don't apologize or even feel bad.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Once everyone understands that a Killers job is to KILL, thats when the bs stops. Unfortunately with the mentality that people have in the game, they will never understand that. I got called trash in my stream on twitch because I did the exact thing you did. Gens popped, I'm a terrible Killer and can't track so I camped a cocky t-bagging Ash that was trapped by Blood Warden. You just gotta turn your messages off and play how you want to, not how others want you too for their convenience.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    You weren't even toxic. That's how you play the game, and they are just entitled.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    "I had to face camp and ended up getting a 1k. The person messages me and I apologise."

    This is part of the problem....always has been. From survivors, to killers, and even the Devs. Everyone tries to dictate player behavior, each with their own motivations.

    It's not binary, being a killer in game doesn't mean you are a dick in game.

    If I load into a match right now....hook one survivor and face camp, there is NOTHING wrong with that. Not ONE damn thing. As a killer, I am no more content for the survivors as survivors are content for the killer. It's just a game. Don't hack or exploit...it's not that difficult.

    I base my game play on the ability of the survivors. If 3 gens get popped inside 4 minutes....time to change to "sweaty" killer. I wanna get a kill fast...interrupt the momentum. So I'll tunnel, I'll gen jockey....and at the end of it all I'm the one that gets called "sweaty"....which is true, but it's a response to "sweaty" survivors popping 3 gens in a matter of "#########".

    If the ability seems matched...I'll go after the rescuer, not the rescued. I may loop a bit longer, vault a window....that type of #########. However....all that said, I've never apologized..

  • Rutuh
    Rutuh Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2020

    I had almost the same thing happen to me to day. But they knew I was running the "Iron Maiden" perk, so they spam jumped the lockers when the gates where open. I do kick my volume up a lot when I play killer, so this was painful. I didnt think of turning my volume down in heat of the moment ether.

    But it ended up with me just leaving the game, refusing to stay listening to them spamming lockers. Ofc I was the bad idot killer who DCed, even when they had more than enough time to leave.

    I could have made them pay for it, but they probably would just continue to spammed lockers to the very end. Not worth, so I left.

    I got gen rushed the match after that as well. It ended up with me unlocking the gate to let the match end faster. But this time I was playing trapper, so they where runing around spamming my traps, windows and pallets. I DCed once again and ofc they think I was mad for losing the match.

    Before Ruin got nerfed, every now and then got 1 or 2 idiots like this at the exit gates, but now and more often I get 3-4 idiots like this at the exit gates, all after Ruin got nerfed. 🤣🤣🤣

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Just try and ignore them. Why care for what people like that say in the first place?