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Shrine/Teachables Not Showing Anymore

Hey friends-

I apologize if this was answered before, but i can’t seem to find a specific post addressing my question.

Question: I unlocked 2 of Bill’s teachable perks in the Shrine. Borrowed Time and Unbreakable. I only did it in the past few months. My Nea is a level 50 and i managed to acquire both in her blood webs. However, my Nancy is Prestige 3, Level 50 and now my blood webs for her are only popping up exclusively with items, offerings, and add-ons. No perks whatsoever. BT and Unbreakable never popped up. It’s been three blood webs of zero teachables in the webs.

Does the Shrine only allow you to unlock (or should i say cash-in) the teachable for one character? Or is there something wrong with mine?

Thank you!

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Sounds like a bug, but just to make sure do you think you could provide some screenshots demonstrating (a) that you have Borrowed Time and Unbreakable unlocked as teachable perks (you should be able to see this by going to Bill's Character Info in-game), (b) that Nancy's bloodweb has no perks available, and (c) that Borrowed Time and Unbreakable are not appearing in Nancy's selection of available perks.

    (These screenshots will be useful not only for me in helping you diagnose the problem, but also for the devs if you end up filing a bug report.)

    Thank you! 😊

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It just sounds like a standard bug with how the blood-web is reacting to the perks being bought off the Shrine rather than being unlocked in-game through the character themselves.

    But I would like to ask something, what version are you playing on? PC? PS4? Xbox? And when did you buy these perks off the Shrine if you can remember. You mentioned you did this in the past few months so... a few could mean 2 to 3 or even 4 months from now.

    After this gets cleared up with what version you're on and when you bought these perks on the Shrine than I can recommend you to go to the Support Team about this, since it just seems like a standard bug... but it could be something else that has happened to recent players in the past on Console with Bills perks.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16


    Thank you so much for giving me some guidance quickly! Luckily I’m off work tomorrow and can get some screenshots in order and run through the bloodweb a few more times just to make sure.


    Thank you as well for offering to help me out! So I’ve figured out when i got what bases on digging through my find. I typically screenshot the weekly shrine announcement on twitter so i remember to check it out when i get in game.

    Platform player on: Xbox.

    Unlocked Borrowed Time: Christmas Eve or Day, 2019.

    Unlocked Unbreakable: October 8th or 9th, 2019.

    I will note that i only have my Bill to maybe a level 8 or 9. I stopped bothering with him when i got his teachables in the shrine. I was maining Nea for awhile, so was for the moment content with things once she was equipped with them.

    And oddly enough, i got Decisive Strike from the Shrine end of September and have had no problem with unlocking that on multiple survivors (Nancy, Nea, Meg, Claudette, etc). And i don’t own Laurie, so it for sure left me confused that all was well with a teachable from a character i don’t own versus issues with multiple perks from one i do.

    I will for sure post screenshots soon! Thanks again, guys!! :)

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16

    Also, just realized auto correct messed up a few of my words on my response. Sorry about that, lol.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    It's good to know that you're on console with this issue, but the thing is you got these perks around the time Bill came out for console... so the problem I thought was happening isn't actually the case.

    Allow me to elaborate more on this

    In the past, some console users bought Bills perks on the Shrine of Secrets when Bill wasn't on console... after awhile he was released to console and these same players had to unlock his perks again to get them on any Survivors that didn't have said perks at max tier or had the perks at all.

    As a result, some Survivors would have Bills perks at Tier lll before he was released but they couldn't get these perks for any other Survivors. So, they had to be re-taught to every Survivor via buying them again through the Shrine or learning them through leveling up Bill.

    But since you literally said that you bought these perks because you didn't want to level up Bill... this issue isn't the case above and it's just a blood-web bug that's happening to your Nancy. This could be because of how the blood-web interacts with perks that weren't taught through the characters themselves and instead bought on the Shrine, but the actual issue is unknown.

    here's what I recommend you do

    In these links below i'll be providing you one to the Support Team and one to the Bug Report sub-forum, you can either submit a ticket to the support team so they can straighten this issue out, report it to the Bug Report sub-forum so the Devs can be aware of this issue if they're not already (optional if you submit a ticket), or you can do both if you'd like.

    I don't have an exact fix for you since I don't personally know why you're not getting anymore perks in your Nancys blood-web when you clearly have some perks that need to be learned... but I can provide you with a link to the Support Team that'll be more than happy to help you out with your issue in a more... "intimate" way I suppose.

    [Here's the Support Team link]:

    [Here's the Bug Report sub-forum link]:

    I do hope that your issue is resolved and that you can continue playing DBD. Also, if you don't want to make a bug report in the bug report sub-forum than that's fine, i'm sure the support team will catalog the issue for you if it's a new one, so reporting it to the Bug Report sub-forum is entirely optional when submitting a ticket to the Support Team.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No worries! FireHazard gave you the links you might eventually need, but I'd still like to see those screenshots if you're able to get them, in case there's some other explanation to be found before you go to the trouble of making a bug report or a support ticket.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Do you have screenshots? Not because I don't believe you, just because it will make identifying the problem easier 😊

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Screenshots can help tech support identify issues sometimes easier then having it described to them. Or see things that others might miss. It's not about belief or not. It's just trying to find and solve the problem. Fibijean is really nice and is just trying to help out! :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Well, I'm not experiencing the bug, so I don't have any relevant screenshots to post. I know you're probably joking, but some people here are genuinely trying to get help. If you're one of them, screenshots would be useful. If you're not here to get help, I'd ask that you be considerate by not derailing the thread of someone who is.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wouldn't really worry about why she wants them particularly.

    If Fibijean can find something in those screenshots to help the OP out than I don't see why it would hurt to ask. If you can provide said screenshots to this issue than that'd be great, if not than I wouldn't worry about it.

    She's not trolling you either, she's indeed serious about helping this individual out in her own way.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16

    Hello again!-

    I truly appreciate those that stopped by my post to help out! I don’t have many friends that play this game, let alone invest much time into it to really understand how a lot of things work or know why something is the way it is. For those of you who may be in here to just troll, please excuse yourself from the post as I don’t want anyone’s efforts to help me getting lost among nonsense. :)

    But anyways, i collected some screenshots after reading some more replies. I have the Bill perks on my Nea shown, my Nancy bloodweb, and i pulled up Bill’s character info. All of his perks are showing as locked. I know i unlocked them after he was released, but i wanted to double check myself (even though i still have the old screenshots i took as reminders to check out the shrine on the previously mentioned dates). 

    I decided to go back and look at my Xbox achievements to get an idea of when i started playing again after i took a long break from the game. I’m talking a year break. I got back into the game and playing daily/weekly beginning of early September 2019. 

    So then I looked at Bill’s release date to console; it was reported in July. Just to make sure i wasn’t crazy, i reviewed a list of every shrine leading up to his release time frame. Neither the BT or Unbreakable were featured beforehand. Now, i read it twice, but please someone don’t hesitate to correct me if i missed it! :)

    So all in all, I’m truly stumped on how i unlocked them post Bill console release, and no longer have them. Sorry for the long post, but hopefully i provided as much details as possible.

    Thank you all again for the help!

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Both Borrowed Time and Unbreakable have been featured in the Shrine in the last few months - it was the first thing I checked when I first read your post. However, your game doesn't seem to think you have them unlocked. Is it possible that you unlocked them on Nea prior to Bill's console release?

    If you're sure you purchased them from the Shrine in the last few months and should have them unlocked, you can file a Support ticket and they may be able to help you - it might be difficult for them to do so without any proof, but I don't know whether owned perks is the kind of thing they can track on their own or not. So there's no harm in giving it a try if you want to. Otherwise, the best course of action, if you want the perks on Nancy, would just be to cut your losses and level Bill for them.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16


    Thank you for the help! I really don’t think i had them unlocked prior to Bill because i honestly didn’t have the game knowledge i do now as far as perks, utilizing the shrine, and all that. I stopped playing between July 2018 to September 2019. I just know i went into the shrine in the dates mentioned because i started to really understand different builds the past few months.

    I do think you’re right though that it’s just easiest to cut my losses and level up Bill so i will at the very least have them guaranteed going forward.

    I truly appreciate you all taking the time to help me figure this all out!

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16


    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and being super thorough! It probably is something i unlocked as a regular perk. That would be my guess with what little knowledge i had until recently. I appreciate all of your help!

    Now i just have to figure out why i always have a random amount of free bloodpoints every day i log into the game, lol.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    You're either forgetting how many you had before or it's the Log-In bonus that gives you them.

    Or because of the challenges, either or.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16


    I had no idea there was a login bonus. I always drain my bloodpoints before i get off every night. I started keeping track of it. Tuesday into Wednesday was an extra 17k bloodpoints and last night into today was 11k bloodpoints. It’s always a nice surprise.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I believe it has something to do with a Log In bonus, since a first match of the day XP bonus exists, but i'm not too sure if a Log In bonus is tied into this.

    Either like I said, its a Log In bonus that was added in, its a challenge from before since those add BPs, or you're forgetting something.

    I doubt it's a Log In Bonus because you have such uneven amounts each time, so its probably the latter.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It's speculation on there being one, since he's getting random amounts of BPs when he knows how much he logged off with.

    My guess is that he's just fogetting something, that it's from a challenge, or from a Log In Bonus that i'm not aware of. He's also getting random amounts, which makes me believe that it isn't a Log In Bonus.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    You shouldn't be getting bloodpoints just from logging in. The most likely explanation I can think of is that the game just isn't registering your last few purchases for whatever reason. I would report it as a bug, and/or contact Support and see if they can help you out.

    Here is the link to the Bug Reports subforum:

    And here is the link to contact Support:

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Or he could be rolling back, it does happen... sometimes.

    Not sure if someone can roll back multiple times in a row though, at least I think that's how often this happens to the OP.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's one reason why the game might not be registering his recent purchases, yes.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Yeah... weird. Anyways, @upsidedownlex just follow the instructions Fibijean gave and report it as a bug, if you want to file a support ticket than click the support link above to also get to the bottom of this.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    This is what happened to me, when i started I looked at everyones bloodweb but didn't know anything about anything. Fast forward a few months and im leveling up survivors for adapt and although both Bill and David are Level 1, David had Borrowed Time. And that's how David became my main lol

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Weird story tbh, but at least that's how you got a main.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16

    Side note, me/OP is a girl. :)

    And trust me, i realize it’s weird, but i drain my bloodpoints every night, as just force of habit. And I’m all finished any tomb and daily challenges. So there’s no where obvious is could be coming from. Now i notice the changes in bloodpoints between logging off at night and then when i get on the next day. I even take a picture each time. Definitely odd, not that I’ll ever complain, though.

  • upsidedownlex
    upsidedownlex Member Posts: 16


    What does rollback mean in terms of bloodpoints? Sorry for all the questions. 😬

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It means your items, BPs, Iridescent Shards, etc will roll back to a previous state they were in.

    In a sense, a roll back is when your save progress reverts itself to a previous version of itself from the past. This happens randomly and the reason it does isn't widely known at the moment, except by the devs I believe.

  • FireBow1709
    FireBow1709 Member Posts: 1

    Same thing has happened to me when I got Detectives Hunch 4 days ago and hasn’t popped up into my bloodweb...

    And it’s a completely new bloodweb