Dont hide the MMR



  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Yes, I agree, I dont really need to see the exact number, something like a skill rank would be enough.

    The problem with devs is that they NEVER say that in the patch notes. Their announcements suck.

    Doctor change looked like nerf because of how they worded it and all the bugs in the PTB.

    They said nothing about gen speeds when they nerfed Ruin, they only told us about gatekeeper emblem.

    Now hiding matchmaking without telling a reason.

    Later most things turn out fine, but the initial patch notes always announce apocalypse.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I agree that the PR could use some work. The post they made for the Ruin change in particular was pretty disastrous. I assume by the Patch Notes you mean the Designer Notes, since the Patch Notes aren't there to justify the changes, just to state what changes are being made.

    However, I can also understand why they don't want to say things like "don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks, we're planning to do X in the future" because in the past when they have revealed plans like that when they're still in the development process, people have interpreted them as promises and then got upset when plans changed later down the line. So it's understandable, I think, that they have decided to no longer reveal plans until they're on the brink of being implemented.

    Personally, I've learned that their most (apparently) nonsensical plans tend to have an explanation somewhere down the line. Sometimes they just make bad decisions, but most of the time they have a long-term goal in mind that we can't see. That's why I tend to assume that we will get more information about things later on, and not get too up-in-arms immediately after changes are announced.

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    I have to say, why would the devs lie about adding an MMR system? Like they made an entire blog post about it. I have serious doubts that the devs would lie about something just to get pressure off of them, rather than saying, "we are trying to find better ways to improve the MM system." If you really don't trust these developers, and are scared for the future of this game, why are you even supporting it. I mean, they make money off of you playing, so if there is so much distrust, go play Last Year or something.

  • Hellbughunter
    Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83

    So behaviar is EAing us? Money first, player second? If i remember correctly behaviar has a record of failurse the last being death garden and at this rate i wouldn't put it bejond to make as much money as possible and finishing of dbd. And i love that it's always "we are convident..." , if that's the convident that brought us the update where a blind or a stun at any moment of pick up drops a survivor, then there convidence doesn't bring me convidence

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    All businesses prioritise making money. Any business that manages to convince you differently is just really good at marketing.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I really don't understand this MMR-abuse hysteria that some people have embraced, especially since nowhere in the Dev post devs say that the MMR is hidden because of that.

    Plus, the emblem system was blatant in explaining how one should play to gain emblems, and I don't see abuses there, why things would differ now?

    The reality is that knowing both the MMR level of all players and knowing how it works is important because otherwise:

    • we won't ever be able to report bugs with it
    • no one will know if they're improving
    • bugs aside, player feedback should be important

    I'm not on the fence here, since the Dev Post was actually very inconspicuous in explaining what will be the changes, they just said there will be some. I hope they'll do the right thing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I've responded to all of those points previously in this thread.

    But as for the emblem system, people absolutely abuse their knowledge of how it works. The fact that the emblem system is so transparent is why so many people confuse ranking up as being the objective of the game. And there are thousands of people every day that play badly on purpose to derank, and they do it because they can, because they know how the system works and so they know how to play to derank while still maximising their bloodpoint gains.

    I'm not saying there wouldn't be advantages to having at least an approximation of one's MMR rating publicly visible, but players abusing that knowledge to game the system is definitely a real disadvantage.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    yes I've read your answers but I disagree with all of them to be honest, but since you are not a Dev if our opinions differ it doesn't matter that much :P.

    Even the de ranking problem seems to me an over exaggeration: we're always being told that high rank full 4 swf teams are the exception, not the norm, and now we should believe that 4 swf de-pip squads are in fact a common thing? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    Also, you can't say that if we play well, we should know that already, no need for MMR to be shown without accepting that purposefully de-ranking will be exactly as easy: just suicide / don't chase / don't hook. Easy peasy.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Possibly, but the point isn't that people won't be able to derank, it's that they won't be able to do so as reliably. We don't know what factors the algorithm is based around, and if they can't see the MMR they won't know if it's working or not, which might disincentivise them from trying. Most people are less inclined to put effort into something when they have no assurance that their efforts are paying off.

    Also, I mentioned nothing about depip squads. Most people that I've seen who go out of their way to derank do it solo.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    I see a lot of might, maybe, if... :P

    Truth is: I want a Dev to say why they will keep (if they will keep) MMR hidden, not some speculation, because speculation go both way - you say that's because of the possible abuses, others say it's because they want to hide the fact that MMR doesn't work in the first place. Their track record is not exactly immaculate when we're talking about match making and bugs...

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's fair, I'm just going off what I believe to be the most logical explanation. Although of course, the type of people who believe that the devs are hiding MMR to deceive us aren't likely to believe them even if they do provide an explanation themselves.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    There will always be deranking in a PvP game as long as there is a rankiing/mmr/elo system. You dont need to know how the system works, to derank. Simply play bad and you will derank, be it solo or with a group of friends. Pretending that there are not squads that will 4 man derank as it stands now or after the change to ranking, is asinine. Those are the derankers you typically want over the 1-3 man derankers that ######### over the 1-3 non-derankers they get paired with.

    Deranking/smurfing will continue to be abused, if you want it to be less of problem you show end of game ranks and have player profiles show historic rank from each "season" and classify deranking as grief'ing and issue soft bans. It will not stop smurfing on new accounts but nothing really will except the increased grind to unlock killers/perks, but smurfs play enough that becomes mute over time.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited January 2020

    Well, for example I believe that if they want to hide MMR, it's because they don't want to let people know how far the MMR can be between players. They are not doing that because they are malicious, but because they want to avoid a flood of screenshots showing how matchmaking is still flawed.

    If they say that this is not the reason why they want to hide the MMR, I'll be glad to hear what the real reason is, and possibly giving my counter arguments. Or just accept them as good and move on.

    So yeah, don't assume for us Fib :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Just because people are going to do something anyway doesn't mean we might as well make it easy for them. That's asinine. Also, I'd appreciate it if you could point to where I pretended that there are no 4-man deranking squads, since I'm quite sure I never said any such thing.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I didn't intend to assume anything, or pretend that my reasons were the devs' reasons, so I'm sorry if it came off that way. I was just trying to present a possible explanation as to why they might want to hide MMR, as a counterpoint to the "rumours" OP mentioned.