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General Discussions

point disparity

as a killer I usually get near 100,000 BP in a round. I always get at least 60,000.

As survivor, I only break 20,000 if I escape.

why is this? why do killer rounds give 4x the points?

someone told me it's because there are 4 survivors and they get equal points to one killer, split amongst the 4 of them.



Because we are all individuals and if killers make 100,000bp per match, so should survivors.

survivors have no double all BP perks.

we rely on offerings.

survivors make 1/4 of what killers do and it sucks because when I play as survivor I have to spend like 300,000BP to get a decent toolbox But you make so little per round it doesn't replenish.

why are they so chincey with survivor BP?

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  • Member Posts: 8,816

    They have increased points for survivors several times now. It's fine. There has to be more reasons to play killer than to play survivor. Tbh that's why I think killers need a SWF BP bonus and rank forgiveness based on how many survivors are playing together.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Survivors have We are going to live forever. It is a bloodpoint farming perk from David for protection hits as well as safe unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 1,300
    edited January 2020

    Add-ons get used up every match for killer survivors keep their items if they aren't used up you use more add-ons than items

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    And they can get new free items by searching chests.

    Also, every killer is unique and BP has to be put into leveling all of them and unlocking perks on each. Survivors are just skins; you could level up just one and unlock all the perks from the shrine and it wouldn't affect gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Most killers are add-on dependant (which get used by the end of the trial), while survivors are not (who can keep items, and even gain new items).

    Paired with the fact that the killer is the player who stays the longest in the trial, and has the least mental downtime (you always need to concentrate as killer), its fair that the killer gets more bloodpoints.

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