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Survivors! Your tactics against the new meta "Tunneling" and killers your best "tunneling strats"



  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    "Insinuating if you don't play like a complete scumbag you can't possibly win?"

    That's not what I said.

    "If you're playing against good survivors and you're a good killer, you'll still win."

    No. It doesn't matter how good you are on some of the weaker killers, if the survivors are "good" rank 1 survivors you will lose. Most killers rely on survivor mistakes to win. When you win it's because they aren't as good or they messed up a lot. If they don't mess up you lose. This doesn't apply to all killers, but most. The average survivor is a potato which why this isn't as noticeable until you find the good groups.

    "This post was all it took to see the kind of person you are (and killer, for that matter)."

    The fact that you don't agree tells me you don't play both sides at rank 1 or have a decent amount of hours put in. If you did you would understand this.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2020

    Yeah cause BT and DS were totally not created for that exact issue

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    So you get unhooked, hit with BT, downed on second hit, use your DS, downed with the third hit and hooked again. So where exactly is the counter?

  • Member Posts: 394

    They get extra salty when BT doesnt work with zero terror radius killers and get slugged trying to pull that.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Well, what I always use is DS, we're gonna live forever, head on, and well..... Slippery meat, I see that ,like, no one uses. It works more than I would like to admit, these were chosen by me to be able to escape from the killer or help some one else by distracting the killer.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I did play alot after the new update. I'm on ps4. 90% of the games 1 player is being tunneled. I play as swf so maybe it's just against good swf teams they now rely more on tunneling? Maybe in solo it's the same as before.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Teamwork is so strong in this game. I believe there's a variety of things that can stop a tunneling situation. I've done it and seen it happen against extremely good or bad killers. I've seen it fail too sometimes. 90% of the time just by myself and my perks/build I can stop someone from being tunneled (make the killer looses him or leave him). My last resort is being down for them. Escaping isn't guaranteed but I can give that second chance. I've seen some interesting answers, I'll not mention the meta perks. Using god or pallet loops, swf, slippery meat might surprise the killer, kindred for information, then in case the killer looses the survivor but still tries to find him a bunch of stealthy perks. (Calm spirit being a good counter if the doctor tries to find again the tunneled guy with his ability for example). Some others mentioned the genrush, so the tunneled survivor countdown is shorter. Also, the killer can make mistakes! Just to clarify 1 point, there is no "garbage" killer. There is experienced and more or less experienced killers. Tunneling is an obvious and efficient strategy to a beginner or even a veteran.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Don't have a tactic against it. If they tunneling then I probably die and on to the next game, no problem. Playing as killer i have not started tunneling yet but perhaps I need to, don't know if it helps me get better. I do pretty well without tunneling or camping, but have nothing against it since it's just another strategy.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I like jumping between different survivors in the middle of chases, then going back to the first one. it works well because you throw them all off constantly. I've also been using lots of killers with high information and/or work well with thana/dying light.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I just run information perks and have a chill time as usual. If I get tunneled, that sucks, but I usually don't draw too much attention to myself. When I do though, I can usually loop most killers for a while.

    If it's Trapper though, I just accept the fact that I will step in every possible trap.

  • Member Posts: 918

    If I am being tunneled, Iike fresh off the hook, barely got my pants up, I will run the crap out of buildings. I don't care anymore, my objective is to buy time for my team and myself. I don't run DS so going down would be bad for me. However, I like to see atleast one obsession in the match because a lot of killers assume I have DS and slug me.

    I don't usually run anti-tunneling perks unless it is happening game after game, after game. Then I switch to my DS so I can atleast get from under the hook if need be, or I will switch to a healing build with a medkit. I've been able to heal up a teammate before the killer comes with botany, medkit, we'll make it, and resilience if I get hit before the save. That at least gives them a chance, also I will heal while looping or BLoS if I can. My normal build is Detective's Hunch, Inner Strength, Spine Chill, and Kindred.

  • Member Posts: 270

    Problem with countering it is you rely on your teammates. I had a game where I brought DS, borrowed time, dead hard and inner strength. Pretty standard build, so I save someone with borrowed time and they let me get hit, ok annoying but not too bad. Later they go down after not letting the killer hit them with their borrowed instead trying to loop them and I'm not injured so I could only take a dead hard hit at best. Well they go down and get put on hook but make sure to suicide as I get to them leaving me out in the open. I go down, annoying but oh well. I'm then picked up, hooked and later saved by some meg who doesn't understand the concept of taking hits. Oh well it's fine, I'll just have to use DS. I pull off the DS and loop for a good amount of time until there is one gen left and then get hooked, this meg then saves me Infront of the killer when bill was trying to and I'm a few meters away from the killer. It's fine I think, she knows I've used my DS, she will take a hit. No she purposefully runs away leaving me to die. There was literally nothing I couldve done, I baited a hit with dead hard but the nearest unused pallet was still to far and I just got slapped up on the hook and the meg just got to straight up escape for my sacrifice that wasn't necessary (she hadn't been on hook once and if she did go on hook I would've just used borrowed on her. Bill later told me he was coming to save me, let me take a borrowed hit, take a hit for me, run to his gen which he 99ed and then adren so the killer didn't instadown him. If I got that bill I would've been fine but no... I got a useless survivor that just saves me for bloodpoints and nothing else, not even willing to take a hit (the guy hadn't popped final gen yet, she couldn't have been worried about noed).

  • Member Posts: 49

    I have hundreds of moris saved up and I'm just burnin through em haha. Since ruin got nerf'd, I have gotten enough salt from end game chat to start my own seasoning company.

  • Member Posts: 1

    How about just don't get caught. Just use your instincts to predict where the killer will be and what gens he's going to be patrolling to avoid being seen by him. Use lightweight or quick and quiet for quick escapes.

  • Member Posts: 96

    That's what the word 'insinuating' is for. You're free to correct me if I'm wrong, but based on your response I'm not.

    Your whole argument is that only certain killers are ever able to win and based on your response to someone else about what your win condition is, my response to you would be not to play the killers you don't think are viable to completely obliterate every game. If it's okay to tell survivors if they want to win they should only ever play meta perks then you should take your own advice and never touch killers who can't win you those easy 4ks.

    I had 1,191h in this last year. I think I play enough to know. The only killers I have problems with are ones I don't play much or have very little experience with (like Oni/spirit since I just obtained them).

    The only difference between you and I is that I acknowledge most of my short comings are a consequence of my own actions/mistakes and I play to have fun no matter how many kills or escapes. If I have a good game, I don't care if I die and I'll more than likely die to the entity for a killer that honestly tried their very best, because they deserve it and it doesn't bother me any.

    You.. you're joking, right? I don't have to agree with you to be right. You think your logic is that infallible? That's laughable in itself. Hold that L for me, sweetheart.

  • Member Posts: 40

    I criticize it.

    It's not a strategy, it's exploiting weakness in game design.

    I'm a killer. No hooking anyone twice till everyone is hooked once. No hooking anyone thrice or moris until everyone is hooked twice.

    No hooking anyone twice in a row (#4 can't be #1 in round two bookings)

    No pursuing an unhooked survivor until they've healed or completed a gen if healing isn't their interest or run no mither.

    Playing by these rules I still get 4/4 every time unless I let them go.

    There is no excuse for killers to be Petty and Unsportsmanlike.

    If survivors die with less than 10,000BP, you were unsportsmanlike in one way or another.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Thank you, for the love of God, someone does understand.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Yes you're absolutely right. Against a killer who has a decent level in tracking a survivor you need teamwork to avoid being tunneled even if you're very good at looping. It's a risk you take if you play solo sadly. But, honestly I'm glad about that. It's terrible when a teammate kills your game. But in the other hand just by being very altruistic one survivor can save your game. It doesn't happen often but it's so cool when it does or when you do it.

  • Member Posts: 174

    As a clever one mentioned you need your teammates in that unfun case. I did not tunnel for the same reasons as you. It's obvious that it won't make you better in my opinion too. "Is a 2k victory by tunneling better than a 3k one because of tunneling"? Depends on the perspective, there's no right answer the rank system doesn't implement that.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I love playing against killers like you, countering your playstyle feels like a chess game. I think it's the best at the moment, with my build I can track you but 90% of the survivors in the lobbies get easily annihilated by this strategy at the moment because they don't know how to counter that yet.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I've tought of a 2x botany to very effectively counter a slug, but I would have never think of a whole healing build to help a tunneled guy. That's a pretty good idea especially adding the use of a tool like a medkit. I'll definately try that. You basically just need to isolate the player to heal him for 5-8secs

  • Member Posts: 174

    Yeah only a very strong and altruistic team could full escape vs a mori. Need a God loop too.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Because of how the game is, not only 1 person is right or wrong there's no infallible ones. There's too many right perspectives. Winning perspective. Fun perspective. Self-one. They're all different and neither are wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    So typical META perks in red ranks? Nothing new then.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Ever go against Oni with Renjiro's glove, Splintered Hull and Sloppy butcher? They leave blood orbs all over the place like little aura mines. They never get to heal either cause I won't allow it.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I never claimed that. That in particular was in response to them saying 'the fact that you don't agree with me means you don't play enough/understand'. That mindset is the person you should be addressing with this statement had you read the context prior.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    How about people play the way that they want to play? I play so that I have fun, not to make sure that survivors have fun.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I'm not sure. When I see an Oni I see a highly possible easy win. (I'm on ps4 he's hard to maneuver there) But I recognize the danger it is to have a wounded survivor for too long vs Oni it is certainly strong. I'll be more careful than I already am about it ^^

  • Member Posts: 174
    edited February 2020

    I'm sorry, texting in forums is not something I usually do. My answer was general and not addressed to you at all. You're just a cool dude playing for fun

    Post edited by NoMitherPlayer on
  • Member Posts: 96

    It isn't something I typically do myself and I've seen you respond in plenty other threads for a while now, but okay, we'll pretend we're oblivious.

    If you weren't addressing me, why quote me? I wouldn't call making a response when you're responded to 'triggered', but whatever floats your boat I guess.

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