hello it me mad

-be me

-be getting ready for work, try to load DBD

-wait 20 minutes for update, okay, I guess that's not as long as it could have been

-get game running, game is laggy as all ######### after update on title screen, maybe it's just being weird.

-wait 10 minutes for a game lobby as killer, put on BPS cause I only have time for one match

-get in match

-can't move at all, frame rate is insanely low.

-check settings, they got reset to ultra big boiyo computer mode. change settings back to low baby mode, crossplay force enabled

-game still barely playable, gen pops, start a chase

-game freezes for 10 more minutes

-loading screen

-forced dc showing I'm now a baby killer who can't handle a gaem and lose my BPS

I am now big mad that not only did I lose my bloody party streamers, I just wasted 40 minutes of my time and now can be reported for DCing / unsportsman. Thanks for the update.
