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General Discussions

What is "pallet loop safety"?

Please explain in detail

For example, what is the pallet loop safety of the basement (shed) pallet?

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  • Member Posts: 800

    It means you lost. Just DC before it gets worse

  • Member Posts: 597

    People like to keep the shed pallet. Its one of if not the strongest loops in the game if you know how to run it. So its good to try to keep it as long as possible. But don't worry what people say or think. If you gotta drop it than drop it.

  • Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2020

    killer shack pallet has infinite safety, because survivors always deserve god pallets.

    Generally I would assume the pallet safety is a metric the game uses when randomly generating which pallets get placed where, so that not literally every pallet is a safe pallet.

    Of course there is always a god pallet in shack and the other god pallet locations, cause as before, survivors always deserve safe zones.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    the loop is basically to run left in laps, taking the window till the Killer jumps the window - then use the pallet.

    If you have a pallet or jungle gym outside of the safe house though, people will loop the safe house window, and then go to the other nearby loop, because the safe house is an easy loop that is usually what every survivor learns and masters first, so it's best to preserve it as long as possible in most cases.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Guessing you’re asking because it’s on the patch notes, it’s the amount of pallets put into the map, they’ve increase the pallet budget but decrease the window budget. This doesn’t mean there more “safe pallets”, it means there are more pallets to break which is healthier than survivors abusing windows.

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