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General Discussions

What is your “guilty pleasure” Perk?

Member Posts: 1,503
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Everyone has that one guilty pleasure Perk: A Perk that sucks wee wee and is near-universally regarded as low-tier, but for the sake of fun, or because we think it has potential, or because we just don’t want to be meta slaves, we run it anyway. What is your favorite guilty pleasure Perk?

Me personally: Mine used to be No One Left Behind, because even though it was trash, I loved the concept. But after the change where it only works after an exit gate is opened rather than when all 5 gens are done, the already-narrow window of opportunity to use it became drastically, drastically smaller—it now only activates once the Survivors are, figuratively and literally, a few feet from victory. Despite the massive stat boost it received and the added bonus of seeing all Survivors, that one change was enough to make the rework a massive nerf in my eyes. So since I now get such little time to use the Perk... well, I don’t anymore.

Nowadays, I would say my guilty pleasure Perk is Breakout. It would definitely be a hundred times stronger in an SWF group, but since I only play solo, I struggle to get it to work. But when it does... goddamn, do I feel like a champion.

For Killer, I’d have to say Shadowborn. It just makes everything feel so much nicer.


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  • Member Posts: 736

    Autodidact , it’s so fun

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    NOED :D

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Diversion, MoM. Otherwise Idk for survivor...for killer? Idk, tbh

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Survivor: Head On. It's the only exhaustion perk I respect people for using because of how bad the hitbox can be for it (or the timer taking one millisecond too long).

    Killer: Dark Devotion. It's my favorite perk for killer at the moment, as it allows you to take full advantage of Legion's ability to slug and get DD to proc at the same time. This allows one to really hide and get the first strike easily. Especially since they look the most similar to survivors. It also works well with Dying Light, since you don't hook the obsession, but you can still go after them for a good benefit. It even works on SWF groups, even if they know you have it, since it keeps them on their toes for 60 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 75

    Dark Devotion

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Saboteur. It’s so satisfying saving people before they get hooked(also tilting the killer is just a bonus 😋😈).

  • Member Posts: 890

    Lullaby it rarely ever makes it past 2 but if it lives to 5 it feels grand.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    leader it's so nice to give a teammate pretty much almost botany knowledge and have speedy heals for people healing me

  • Member Posts: 882

    Leader. I always use it with Bond and it comes in super handy for those fast heals.

  • Member Posts: 523

    Survivor: Aftercare, Spine Chill, Head On

    Killer: Corrupt Intervention

  • Member Posts: 173

    boil over

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Dark devotion is amazingly fun

    Also bloodwarden. It barelly works but when it does it feels great

    For survivor small game. Free points, anti hex, and allows me to get objective emblems without the match ending in 5 minutes

  • Member Posts: 212


  • Member Posts: 745

    As survivor, just look at my standard build: Sprintboost, Kindred, Better Together & Distortion.

    Kindred is so useful like Better Together. I know if my mates are useful and if I can work on gens or if I need to rescue them. And they can too me, so I can heal them or they can heal me.

    Distortion is so underrated. It is not just good against bbq. U know if the killers runs any aurareading or if he has bloodwarden. Its so useful and with that build I have everything I need for me and for my mates.

    As killer I really enjoy surge in combination with PGTW. I can chase people without wasting time. I remove easily around 35%.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Bloodhound - A very simple perk but does it's job quite well. On some maps it's a blessing for me. It can even counter perks like Iron will.

  • Member Posts: 909

    I don't use it nearly enough, but Wake Up!

  • Member Posts: 49

    That most be the make your choice perk. because when you hook someone and then runs away i always feel like someone is going for the save so i stay around in the area (not camping) and when they rescue them the rescuer gets an exposed status effect so i insta down him and then he hangs and on and on it goes :P

  • Member Posts: 51

    Rancor's fun. Chasing 1 person the whole match and then mori'ing them often has amusing results in chat.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I love when I run rancor and as I down the obsession the last gen goes off. Happened today when I was playing nurse ( I'm not good with nurse so I use a lot of end game perks.) I downed the obsession, I picked her up to take her to a hook and then the last gen popped so I dropped her and mori'd her. I bet she was cussing out her teammates after that lol.

  • Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2020

    Edit: Lucky break, best perk in the game (in my heart).

  • Member Posts: 987

    NOED these days

  • Member Posts: 1,609
    edited January 2020

    As survivor: Deja vu, I just like seing more auras and that red duration that lasts a long time; Babysitter, I honestly think is kinda good; Better together, the perk is good, but nobody wants to use it, for some reason

    Killer: Deerstalker, the perk is not bad, but no need if you're not deaf, I just use it because I'm lazy of looking at the ground and following the sounds

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited January 2020

    I have 3 for killer.

    Blood Warden. The look on their faces when they teabag at the gates and realize they can't get out. Priceless.

    Not a bad perk but MYC on my Nurse. They can't call me a camper or tunneler because I'm leaving the hook asap then coming back for the "healthy" survivor because it makes no difference to me.

    Devour Hope. If I get 3 stacks they ######### their pants when they get that notice. If I somehow get 5 after that it's bragging rights cause I had to work for it. "Just because ruin is gone doesn't mean you shouldn't look for totems. You let me get that mori" :P

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Mettle of Man on survivor and Huntress Lullaby on killer.

    MoM is just satisfying to finally activate after several tries.

    Huntress Lullaby is difficult to activate but really pays off when it does. Even against high ranks it's incredible with 4 or 5 stacks.

  • Member Posts: 83
    edited January 2020

    Infectious Fright for me. God, I love chaining 3 downs with only one activation of Oni’s power. I have won a red rank game in less than 2 minutes even against a SWF because I hooked a Claudette after farming her for blood, saw with BBQ that they were all on the same gen, sprinted over there and downed all 3 of them. Game was over before it even started :P

    Funnily enough, I got matched up against them literally the next game- I still beat them handily, but they were really nice and chill and we all had a laugh about it. Oni can be really scary :)

  • Member Posts: 968

    Q&Q and DH (Devour Hope)

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Empathy for survivor. I love map wide auras.

    Devour hope for killer. It never lasts all game but still. The thought of 5 tokens is amazing.

  • Member Posts: 49

    Blood Warden. While I rarely get to use it, when I do it is just so fun to start walking into the gate when the survivors are taunting at me, only to find out they cant escape now.

  • Member Posts: 918

    As killer, unrelenting...because I'm trash and a new killer. lol Also, I don't have the perk build I want on my trapper or hag yet.

    As survivor wake up. A very overlooked perk that rarely comes in clutch. Most of the time I don't even get to open the door. Any Means Necessary. Most pallets get broken anyway, but if I'm playing Yui and the killer leaves a pallet down, especially a good pallet, they're going to regret it.

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    Rancor,nemisis,noed, Corrupt

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    I'm all ears as killer

    Empathy as survivor

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    For Survivor: Aftercare, Alert, Diversion, Autodidact.

    For Killer: Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright, Monitor and Abuse.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Spies from the Shadows as killer and Small Game as Survivor

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