Going against optimal red rank players without ruin every game is going to be painful.

I agree we definitely need a better matchmaking system, but from what it sounds like this new hidden MMR will just match top level killers with SWF groups every game. The ruin nerf scared me at first, but I realized how well I can do without it, but I don't think I can go against optimal teams every single game without losing my mind. I really hope this isn't the case or they change SWF before this happens, I don't wanna have to play against a team running meta perks with comms every single game.
I can understand that. I can play survivor all night and never get as frustrated as in 1 hour of killer. That's about the most I can play killer in one sitting.
I play fair and have fun, but to even give the survivors a game you have to sweat a little. Unless you want to get completely rolled over, in which case I am not having fun.
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You can't go against optimal teams every single game without losing your mind? I have great news for you, you will not go against optimal teams every single game.
What's the stats on SWF? 4-man SWF is like 5% of all games and more than half of them are just actual friends messing around, so you maybe get 2% super tryhard SWFs which is 1/50 games. You will be fine.
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The problem there is that that 5% might be all red ranks, I'm in one of those SWF 4 red ranks men on xbox
Stats haven't been released per rank color have they?
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This is my thoughts as well. I check all the players in my lobbies and SWF groups are way, way more common than the stats we've seen so far.
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Yeah, I think survivors realize the only way of dealing with the killer 7/10 games is by using SWF. I'm not against it, I can handle a 4 men SWF but the point here is that maybe that 11% 3+ men SWF is mainly purple and red ranks.
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I've started to just DC. If 2-3 gen's go before I finish 1-2 chases. I just DC and let them sit in the lobby que.
It's how Survivors told BHVR what's broken in the game up to this point, I don't see why Killers shouldn't use it to do the same.
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"Yeah, I think survivors realize the only way of dealing with the killer 7/10 games is by using SWF."
Huh? That isn't a true statement at all.
Even as full solo's survivors are still the power role. I play strictly solo at rank 1 as survivor and it is almost impossible not to pip.
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Just quit killer and play survivor until it’s more balanced, or ruin is reverted because you shouldn’t be playing if it isn’t fun
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I'd assume the new system will still match SWF based on the best/highest rank, or in this case MMR. So you'll still get the equivalent of current 1-2-10-12 groups or whatever in that case if there's one survivor involved with high MMR if it works as intended.
And if we assume the system actually works properly, if you do go against people you consistently lose to your MMR will just drop until you get to a place where you win enough to maintain it. Of course we have no idea what the system will consider a "win" in the first place so that's a pretty big if right there.