Proposed MMR Swing And A Miss?!

"Currently, our matchmaking system takes the player in queue and looks for a match close to their rank. If it is unable to find an appropriate match, it will gradually expand the search range until it is able to give you a match. This can lead to both unfair matches and long queue times."

Currently, our matchmaking system takes the player in queue and looks for a match close to their rank.

  • As it should. Makes sense.

If it is unable to find an appropriate match, it will gradually expand the search range until it is able to give you a match.

  • Sounds like the reason for your unfair matchmaking right there.

This can lead to both unfair matches and long queue times.

  • Takes forever to find an unfair match "Woohoo!"

How players attain rank is the problem. As countless members within these forums have stated for the longest time. It is TOO EASY for survivors to rank up. Supposedly (can't prove) there are too many high (red/purple) rank survivors?! This can explain why there are so many high (red/purple) ranks in every killer match.

So . . Why isn't this new hidden mmr not going to fix matchmaking? Because they haven't addressed how survivors rank up . . .


The same issue with ranked matchmaking will be the exact same within the upcoming hidden mmr. SWF not being ranked on individual skill, at least much less than individual solo skill, will undoubtedly carry a large pool of players to ranks they should not be within.

This creates the exact same issue the current . . visible . . . matchmaking has now.

P.S. Mentioning SWF is in no way to attack that feature. It is here, it isn't going anywhere. Fact is that it has a massive impact on any type of matchmaking. I doubt it can or will ever be remedied.

Hey, since we can't see if it is affecting mmr anyway I guess we will never know. /s