The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The Past Rift - Open or Closed?

During the transition of the 60 days (Approximately) , i witnessed some types of behaviours demonstrated by fellow players and i would like to add an idea. I will try to be brief and concise:

  • Some of us work and have jobs outside of Dead by Daylight that makes the Rift's time be very short (from 60 days/2 months to a mere 16 days/weekends only) which makes impossible the total completion of the Rift. More so the paid version of the Rift! Which makes people avoid buying it because they don't want to lose money!
  • Others simply dont have the skills or patience to do a rush and complete the said Tome in the days that are asked. So they simply stop focusing on it and also try to avoid buying the Rift!
  • New players that come, after the Rift is already closed, and want the costumizations, can't get them anymore. So you lose money because they can't buy it even if they want to!
  • Some players don't have the specific characters unlocked for the specific tome and so, many times, they focus more on buying the dlc but not making the rift because their characters are level 1! In that sense, you again lose money and we lose costumizations!

So i propose a solution:

1º - The Rift should always be on sale despite being already closed, the Tome and Rift should be sold together! (which would benefit the players listed above and Behaviour on their sales because you would sell the Rift more). Players who didn't buy the Rift/Tome pass, would only get the compendium part and free content the same way! (but i bet people would buy it, seeing their Rift completed and only the price between them and the content you created. I would!)

2º - For veteran/Hardcore players that want to distinguish themselves from the others, the days should be considered a challenge! Which would be rewarded when completed with Full set costume or other valuable item and an achievement recognising them with their efforts.

3º - The Rift should be applied with the respective Tome, when using such tome, the blue point should be aplied in such tome. Tome 1 quests would contribute to Rift 1 progression (like that). Making players choose their tomes and make the quests they want to make, at the time they want to make them and/or they can afford to make them!

4º - The Rift should be 3 months instead of 2 months, giving time for Behaviour creators to create the content for the Rift with more careful timing and less rushing on their jobs (Less stress for you guys and for some of us, clients/players). Also giving players the needed time for completion of the most challenging quests in the last pages of the tomes.

I hope it was not too hard to read since i wrote quite a lot but i hope you got my overall idea.

Give it a thought! Maybe you can make my idea even better! 😁

Thank you for your time!



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Just as a note to consider, most of the Rift cosmetics are not exclusive and will eventually arrive in the Store and be available for purchase just like any other outfit. So there's no danger of new players, for example, missing out on particular outfits because they arrived too late.