Unfair Matchmaking.


i just wanted to mention the extrem unfair matchmaking, that happend to me in the past month.

I personally think, that it's unfair, that a rank 13 Killer (Me) with only 4 average perks gets in a lobby, in which 4 Survivors (Survive with Friends) with rank 8 or 7 are waiting. They all had, besides the last one, extreme good perks, items, add-ons anf offerings. I got completely gen-rushed. I literally just step into the game, found the first survivor, hooked him and 3!!! of the 5 gens were done at this moment. I permanently got chased around 1 pallet with no way to break pallets, because i got instantly blended and mindgamed.

Its just an Extreme unfair Matchmaking at the moment. Please fix this.


Yurtch 😠


  • ErgoPr0xy
    ErgoPr0xy Member Posts: 31

    It’s bc red tank killers are leaving the game. The A.I have to widen the net for lobbies to get filled.

  • cynichism
    cynichism Member Posts: 52

    Yeah some nights are just tough for killers. The good side is you have no wait time for a lobby, but that's only because all of the killers have been scared out of the game and either quit playing or switched to survivor.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Even with unfair matchmaking I still rather get a bad instant killer game than waiting forever for a survivor lobby that's not going to be that enjoyable in the end. (plus, I prefer playing killer, but I'll still play some survivor because it gets boring just killing)

  • chockfullofmoxie
    chockfullofmoxie Member Posts: 11

    When the game first got ported everyone wanted to be a killer. Interesting.

  • joerispekkie
    joerispekkie Member Posts: 27

    I have the exact same problem buddy. Not all matches are bad, definitely not, but I bought the game a week ago myself, so I'm trying to get a feel for this game and... some matches you just get absolutely stomped on by a party of 4 pre-made Survivors with an average level of 3. It's just insane. I wish they would've had a fair ranking system which puts people of the same rank together like League of Legends or DOTA or something.

    Sadly I read that there simply aren't enough main killers out there which is why low level killers get put in a lobby of high level survivors. Hope they'll figure something out. I mean EVENTUALLY I'll get good enough to take them on but right now it just feels like get bullied

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Should have seen mine earlier, I'm rank 12 killer with green perks and the survivors was SWF red and purple at rank with all add ons and offerings at anything under the rank of 9 all day, but mainly the lower end like 3's and 4's.

    Looping me all the way around the map for ages. Tbagged, as soon as i hit the survivor the other 3 tried to get chased instead of the one looping me.

    I have now had to resort to tunnelling and face camping just to be able to get at least 1 kill.

  • quazzi76
    quazzi76 Member Posts: 85

    Now it is somewhat reversed. Killers lvl 20 no perks decimating the whole field. I admite I am average (sucky) and wife (non-gamer) trying to have fun. 1 out if at least 30 games the killer let's you accumulate points, on average the points by mist players is between 5 - 12k highest. Most of you will say try harder and that. Yet, some of us work, have families, other activities and don't have all day to learn the maps or countless hrs to learn all the perks. Just play not rush be chased, get some time in; more at least than it takes to load the thing at least.

  • Yeah, this is crap matchmaking for sure, they add a low rank friend in their SWF group to puposely get matched with low rank killers just to be toxic, I still managed to kill 3 of them but this needs to be addressed. The new player base is being ruined because they are up against players way above their skill level and being turned off by this specific mechanic of the game... Honestly I feel like this game should not have SWF at all, I think it should be randoms all the time to preserve the integrity of the game. 4 survivors that are good don't need to be SWF to win, but with the ability to chat and smurf like this it's just flat out unfair, to new killers especially.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It's like others have said. Sometimes there just isn't someone who it would be fair to match you with and you are better off just getting into a game. That being said, when the game matches you unfairly I feel there should be a 1.5 times BP bonus at the end.