Why is the hatch able to be reopened after a killer closes it?

Why is this a thing?
Scenario I was just in:
My friend opened hatch to escape, and the Legion ran over (in FF) and closed it. However, this made me the last man standing in the game, so right after she closed it, her power cancelled out, and the hatch reopened and I was able to jump in it right in her face.
Surely I can't be the only one who sees anything wrong with this, right?
Edit: Forgot to mention that I don't have a problem with keys. I just don't think the hatch should be able to be opened TWICE without one.
I think the problem is not hatch opening after killer closed it. The problem is key opening it while there is more than 1 survivior remaining.
Key should be able to open the hatch only after the killer closes it imo.
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I mean, it opened twice (I didn't have a key) and at that point the killer couldn't do anything except take the L.
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Ye, but your friend had the key.
If you died first, the hatch opened, and killer closed it, then it would have been fine for the key to open it again. Because the killer can just guard it.
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Keys should be changed into something else and shouldnt interact with the hatch. I'm fine with the key add ons but the hatch should only be a last resort type deal if theres only 1 surv left since that's probably their only chance of survival even if it is rng garbage.
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Hopefully they update the achievement/trophy for it as well.
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Yes they... exist?
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All valid game mechanics. I dont see a problem here.
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You think its ok that I had 3 second chances to escape?
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Yes. U seem to need them.
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I didn't.
A) we powered all the gens
B) I told my friend to get hatch cause my door was 99'd. Legion came and FF hit me and followed me to the hatch and closed it.
C) It opened back up immediately after being closed so I had the choice of running to the gate or jumping in the hatch in the killer's face
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I remember a few games where literally survivors had 3 gen'd themselves and wasted 10-15 of my time just to find a key to escape or hide just so I would DC.
Like most things in this game the hatch offers survivors a second or third chance.
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This sounds more like a bug to me!