Can survivors get blinded by firecrackers?

I dropped the firecracker but the killer was too close so I had to turn around and step on them so that he could get blinded but I got blinded too and I went down lmfao. Is that a glitch or do survivors actually get blinded if they step on them?
Best Answers
Yes they very much can lol. Gotta be careful.
I dumbass blinded myself earlier and then face planted into a wall for a few seconds causing the killer to down me immediately haha.
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Yeah, my teammates have blinded me with them.
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Yes. Just blind a teammate and jump into a locker with Quick & Quiet.
Houdini overload.
I've been playing this game two years and this is the first time this has ever happened to me lol now it's a fun fact thanks.
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Yes and there should be a killer perk that makes flashlights explode, toolboxes pretend to do gens fast and infected med kits but as we see a new perk called ruin actually be a totem and show the insidious regression of gens sparking!? I doubt it would be implemented
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This... Didn't address the post. Why would you talk about ruin here instead of somewhere else where the discussion actually is about ruin.
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Lol it's, fun i wish you could tell when you blinded a teammate, i once blinded the killer and myself, both of us were lost, lucky i had an idea of my bearing and manage to get away instead of getting stucked
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This post is about a negative effect of a addon.
My post was about a killer perk that could also have a negative effect.
Ruin has been ruined and will never be the same again *unless Devs make it decent.
You sound like a survivor main telling me what I can and can't do?
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Still, your comment was completely irrelevant to the op. You could go post it on a separate post that is about ruin. Or, you could make your own post to express your idea.
Also, what relevance would it have if they were in fact a survivor main. Do you just associate all survivors with the idea that they are evil and controlling?
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I think their question had been answered and have explained continuation/relevance/link and believe you are suggesting actions you would have taken which I didn't choose to do but thank you for pointing out other options but was aware.
Bit of a sweeping statement but you'll find most survivors are not evil and controlling.
Some aren't, some are nasty and some are controlling telling others what they should do.
Killers as yet have never told me how I play or are controlling, however they also have been known to nasty ;)
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Orange. Orange juice. I and u. I and u are part of the letters in the Illuminati. Orange = Illuminati.
You just drew random points out of your pocket that neither backed you up OR explained where this post said ruin.
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"Yes "
Firecrackers a survivor add-on can blond the survivor. A survivor add-on that can have a negative effect.
"and there should be a killer perk that makes flashlights explode, toolboxes pretend to do gens fast and infected med kits "
Possible other add-ons that could have a negative effect.
"but as we see a new perk called ruin actually be a totem and show the insidious regression of gens sparking!? I doubt it would be implemented"
New ruined perk was commented as being insidious which was a great idea if it were a totem, however it wasn't with sparks that fly and generator completed would drop. So I would also doubt a killer perk affecting survivors add-ons unknowingly could also be implemented successfully.
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Lol. I just learned this the hard way. Stupid me!
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I was getting carried by the killer in a recent match and someone dropped the cracker in front of us... I got blinded, killer didn't. XD Even if they had, I wouldn't have been able to run anywhere.
Good times.