Killers, do you want them working together or split?

Did you know 3 gens done by different and alone survivors take less time (80 seconds) than 4 men on one gen doing 3 full gens together (86 seconds) and I'm not adding the factor that they need to traverse the map, and if they do gens next to each other to make them fast and the 3+ survs stay together they actually end up 3 genning themselves?
ACTUAL good SWF do different gens at the same time, they don't work on the same one in my experience.
I always want them together for easy injures and to make them have to heal instead of repair
How about you?
EDIT: Red rank 1 trapper main, xbox
Did you just really copy your reply and open a new thread saying exact the same?
Well at least i understand that postcount now.
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Yes I did, I wanted opinions :)
I think it's a good topic to discuss
I do this quite a lot actually, even make polls every now and then, it helps me know what others think or perceive so that maybe I can use that info to improve
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Your math might work if a killer is afk or dumb enough to chase one person for too long.
There is no black and white. It depens on the killer, the map and the perks. Not every group is SWF. I queue solo all the time and if i can choose between a repaired gen and two nearly repaired gens, ill take the single one.
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I think it happens quite often, I go towards gens as soon as the match starts, the moment I find someone I down him as fast as I can and proceed to hook him/her. If they were a good team you'll se 3 gens pop in around 90 seconds into the game, if they weren't a good team you'll se 1 or maybe 2 gens pop.
Now, if the match starts, I traverse the map and I find 3+ on gens, they're all gonna get a hit and have to heal, if they're dumb enough I'll down 2+ right there.
Have in mind old ruin is gone, so this is quite common, have in mind I'm not even talking about toolboxes or perks to fast fix gens or the fact that I need to place traps as trapper and they're gonna have about 30 seconds free of chase whyle I place them
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The most effective way to do gens is every survivor doing a different gen by a long shot
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Early game i want them together
Late game when there is only 1 or 2 left multiple people can do gens scary fast so then i would rather have them not together on a gen
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That is not really always a fact, because some gens have a higher value than other, and because of that 3 people working in it for example is better than 1 trying to get it all done
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I'm not talking about 1 doing everything, but 3+ doing different gens at the same time
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I know, and that is exactly my point