Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

How would you feel if....


They made survivors HAVE to use one of that characters main perks for slot 1, and the rest you could pick from... but only use one perk from certain other survivors. And of course perks that aren’t character specific can be multiple times.

I think that would give survivors a uniqueness and change up how people play.

Im just curious what others think is all :)

and what the devs think of this too if they get a moment to read it.


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    It's a unique idea and it would give each Survivor something special to choose from... but there are some flaws with this idea.

    For one, certain Survivors would be picked over others if this was the case, since they'd naturally stick with a Survivor like Laurie that automatically has DS and than can pick from other perks that can give her the same meta build. In a sense, people would work around this and defeat the entire concept.

    Second, as stated above it's too easy to work around, so it kind of defeats the purpose of each Survivor being unique if everyone in Red Ranks was playing as Laurie for DS or Bill for Borrowed Time, they would just pick these specific Survivors with those meta perks off the bat and than only use those Survivors that come pre-packaged with a meta perk.

    Its a step in the right direction for each Survivor to be unique in a literal sense, but I feel the idea behind every Survivor having their own lore and unique look is enough don't you think?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683
    edited January 2020

    As killer, I leave lobbies when multiple people use the same character because it becomes too difficult to keep track of who's who. Any change that has players choosing specific survivors for gameplay reasons would make that problem worse. I already see multiple Claudettes in my lobbies because of her camouflage advantage.

  • Bearzo
    Bearzo Member Posts: 3

    I also hate seeing a squadette SWF team. I understand what you’re saying for sure. If they all ran that character, most would be using self care with my idea of perks, i would imagine anyways, and as a killer i would feel like nurses calling would be a perk I’d want to bring to counter that, and team it with sloppy butcher also. So maybe it force ppl not to group same characters and be more diverse.

  • Bearzo
    Bearzo Member Posts: 3

    I like everything you said. Thank you for taking time to give your thoughts.

    I think lore and backstory definitely add a unique feeling for sure to each survivor and killer. Killers have the power uniqueness, so I was just pondering what could this game do to make survivors also more unique also for maybe team builds instead of me using the same perks on different survivors... cuz when I try to switch it up and do something different, it just doesn’t really work out for me that well. Although maybe it’s because I’m so used to running certain perks and need to adapt and learn what I’m trying to do..

    I just guess I just wish there was a unique reason to use different survivors besides which one you personally like the most, ya know?

    Maybe instead of my idea.. add a specific passive ability to survivors. Maybe Feng does gen faster with tool boxes or Claudette heals faster with med kits. Maybe you have thoughts or ideas?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683
    edited January 2020

    Not to be argumentative, but that's unlikely. Already, when I see someone playing a certain character, I can be pretty sure what perks they're bringing. I see few Megs without Sprint Burst. If I'm ever chasing a Meg and they disappear, I just open the nearest locker. You can judge what path a Feng Min will take because they often have Lithe. Very few Davids play without Dead Hard. And you expect most Laurie players to bring DS.

    I already get lobbies with three Megs, three Davids, four Claudettes... I doubt that making them more attached to their perks would result in fewer players choosing them. And it would only make uncommon characters less common; I usually don't see Quentin players using any of his perks.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That other idea has issues with who would be used more over the others, that kind of scenario, I understand where you're coming from but I think adding a passive ability to Survivors or a unique ability to each one would spark favoritism among the Survivor mains and ALSO cause a spark in a new Tier list being created.

    Essentially, certain Survivors with less useful abilities will be curbed over say... Feng's ability to repair faster with a tool-box or... (for example) David Ability to recharge his downed meter faster, something like that.

    I don't have any idea for Survivors when it comes to a unique power, since I strongly believe it would disrupt the meta in some way and cause a lot of Survivors to suddenly see less use due to their abilities being worse than others.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It would make the grind even more ridiculous and it would reduce the number of characters played to those who have unique meta perks, which it would also be bad for the cosmetics business. That's why I don't think we'll see that.

    The grind is already bad in general and especially for killers. I'd rather see that fixed and let people play whatever characters they want.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I wouldn't say the grind would be ridiculous since it still works like normal with how you gain perk Tiers and what not.

    But yes, it would kind of ruin the point of having Survivors with less useful abilities or perks, since they'd be used less over the meta Survivors with better abilities.