It is not fun to go against sweaty rank 1 swf! make a separate ranked mode for swf plz!!!

with the recent changes coming to matchmaking, i would like to see separate swf only ranked matchmaking. i play on xbox one and i mostly 99% of the time play killer. here recently, match times are very fast. id say, 15 secs tops. IT IS NOT FUN TO PLAY AGAINST GEN RUSHING SWEATY 4 MAN RANK 1s!!! this game has severely shifted towards survivor play since the ruin nerf. gens go, on average in 4-5 mins. maps are huge, therefore map pressure is kinda annoying now. i find it unfair to tailor towards survivors and nerf killers abilities into the ground! doc was a complete nerf. freddy was a complete nerf. hell, even nurse! i actually wonder what the player base numbers are right now? because i feel like they have lost 50% at least of the playerbase. this game seizes to become fun when games go in 5m and killers are pursuing players at a extremely way higher skill level then them.