Let's talk about a possible No Mither rework.

I've thought for the longest time that No Mither is the worst perk a survivor can have on. Its issues are going down in one hit instead of two, and the killer knowing that you have it on and not letting you use it. So I've come up with a solution or two...

1. No Mither isn't active at the start of the match. This would let you get hit twice before going down in your first life and the killer wouldn't know you had it on at the start of the game.

2. You could make the Broken status not viewable to the killer. Again, this would keep the killer from just knowing you had the perk on at the beginning of the game. As a killer main, I also just don't see the point in the killer knowing if a survivor has the broken status or not except to know what perks they are using.

Most of the time, Killers just pick up survivors right after downing them anyway and even with Tenacity and Unbreakable it still takes a long time to recover and the odds of pulling off two self-pickups in one game are slim-to-none. I don't play the highest ranks and I'm sure fixing this perk could unleash unprecedented toxicity but... I just really don't like seeing a teammate with it getting downed and tunneled to death in the first 5 minutes every time.


  • Or maybe... They only become Broken after they first revive themselves?

    Or make repairing the equivalent of one gen the requirement for activation?

  • Livearth
    Livearth Member Posts: 57

    NO AND NO, No mither is for CRAZY optimal people that want to make harder the game.

  • Lightpkm
    Lightpkm Member Posts: 93

    The perk sucks in general, no sane killer would leave a no mither player on the ground. The 50% grunt reduction, IMO should be 75 maybe 100% or at least a 25% recovery speed. It's one of those perks that I see as high risk, high reward but I don't really see the high reward.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    How about this:

    1. You start the trial in the healthy state, but you suffer a permanent exposed status effect applied on you until you're put into the dying state. From there on out, the broken status effect is applied.
    2. Grunts of pain are reduced by 100%
    3. You receive 100% extra bp for actions in the boldness category.

    About your idea of hiding the broken status effect to the killer, I think it is very interesting. However, the devs are fixated with consistency for the sake of it, so I doubt they would bother taking that idea into consideration.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I like the idea of extra points in boldness, I mean, got to have something positive about running that perk.. Probably follow the Prove Thyself route and go 50%/75%/100% depending on the perk's level.

  • Trust_me_Im_a_Doctor
    Trust_me_Im_a_Doctor Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2020

    The Boldness BP is very interesting but the grunt reduction would make Iron Will worthless. I do like that the perk removes bleeding, but again, what's the point if you are always broken? lol

    Maybe they could incorporate a way to help the survivor being carried if you get a protection bonus, maybe a small boost to the wiggle meter? There just is nothing but drawbacks with No Mither and if the only way to keep from being downed in one hit is to use Dead Hard then why not just remove No Mither and take two hits to down instead?

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