Is BT balanced?

So I've been hearing a lot of calls for a BT nerf lately and I want to know...what makes it so powerful? Imo BT is pretty balanced, heck it doesn't even punish camping with insidious, wraith, freddy etc. How could BT be balanced better if it's too strong rn?
I like @Blueberry 's suggestion of making it so hitting a player protected by Borrowed Time will transfer the damage to the unhooker who used Borrowed Time.
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That's pretty much just bodyblocking though...
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Because the amount of times I've been put into a lose-lose scenario as I've been walking away is staggering.
I hook someone after a decent chase, I walk maybe 10 meters away, they get unhooked. I can hit the unhooker and start another long chase, or I can hit the unhooked guy and start a long chase.
Bad plays should be punishable. Blueberry suggested to transfer the damage and I think that works well for everyone. It still counters camping but at least you get some value from it.
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i mean sure but you'd have to be full health as a surv to reliably get someone off the hook and you wouldnt be able to safely unhook in a killers face without having atleast 2 people to save the person cause right now people just use bt as a safe unhook right as soon as they hook them
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I feel BT is balanced and I'm a killer main. As killer if I don't want it to trigger I can play certain killers that eliminate my TR. If someone uses it right in front of me I can usually take out the rescuer to take their place.
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I've used it for about a year now. It's just really rare to see a killer leave the hook. Who cares why.
You need borrowed time if you want the altruism emblem.
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There is nothing wrong with BT. As a killer I hate it end game. But I understand why it's in the game.
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Yeah, so BT lets you effectively bodyblock at a distance.
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Wouldn't that make the perk absolutely useless?
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Yeah well I don't know who would run BT instead of just bodyblocking. Maybe against teleporters like wraith or hag it could be useful but they don't even proc BT in the first place.
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BT is fine. I've noticed a pattern on the forums. One person will complain about something in a thread and then somebody else gets inspired to share their frustration/nerf idea and opens up another thread, etc, etc. It's a chain reaction thing. I wouldn't put too much stock in there suddenly being multiple calls for a nerf.
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Blueberry's idea makes BT lazy bodyblocking...
As in useless and it no longer punishes camping.
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How? You make the save, run run run, and if BT procs while you are not near the Killer, the Killer isn't going to be around to down you. Meanwhile, the unhooked person tanked a hit with no damage.
People who are willing to take a hit but don't want to waste too much time to make it happen?
I'm not sure what the idea would change based on what you described except that you probably want to be Healthy if you're going to try to take advantage of BT.
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So BT would be a slight efficiency perk instead of an anti camp/tunnel perk?
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No survivor perks need to be severely undertuned so weak killers can have a chance! /s
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If the killer was facecamping someone then this perk would only be good for trading hooks and you don't even need any perks to do that anyways. You cannot do what you described at all in that situation.
If you can save someone without getting injured then you probably wouldn't need BT anyway, you could just take a hit.
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If it protects the unhooked person from a hit, is that not anti-tunnel?
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Bodyblocking protects the unhooked person from a hit as well...
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Or maybe camping needs to be knocked down a peg. Perks are not suitable bandaids for game balance.
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If the killer was facecamping, they would hit the BT person before the unhook and then hit them again for the down. So that doesn't really change much.
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The devs have made it clear modification to the base game is not on their mind. Why else would totem counter and chase indicator not be in the game yet?
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My problem with BT is that deep wounds is getting constant nerfs and it's no longer punishing. When I first played the game, I had no problem with BT because the unhooked survivor could not stop the timer from going down. But since Legion was added, BT has seen nothing but buffs to the point where it's no longer an anti-tunneling perk and is good in any situation (much like DS). There is pretty much no chance of going down from Deep Wounds unless you actually just forget that you need to mend.
If they insist on keeping Deep Wounds on BT, I think you at least shouldn't be able to mend yourself so you'd have to find a teammate to heal you.
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I mean, we are dealing in hypotheticals currently, so anything is on the table here.
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The killer would then be able to tunnel without consequence...don't tunnel: get a down
Tunnel: get a down
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Deep wounds are a time waster, not a free down.
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In another thread I saw the idea of BT having tokens. I actually like that idea. If you start with 1/2/3 tokens. Each time you unhook somebody it spends a token. If it's a safe unhook, you are refunded the token. If they take a hit it acts like current BT, but you don't get your token back. That's my idea anyway.
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That's pretty neat. Maybe a small altruism bonus at the trial end per token you save?
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Couldn't that just apply to BT normally? Hit the unhooker, and then you are pretty much in the clear.
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I need to go back and find the thread so I can give the person who gave me the idea credit. But i do think it would be an interesting way to avoid unlimited saves.
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Yes you are in the clear because 15 seconds will end by the time you down another survivor. Stop trying to ease the difficulty of tunneling, there is a reason BT was added in the first place.
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One of the things it allows to do is genrush in the beginning of the game. You can leave the person on the hook and do gens. If the killer decides to punish it and go back and make sure the survivor hits struggle the rescuer can just trade places with him, while rescued survivor hops on the gen. Since killer most likely wont live a person slugged just to be picked up or have unbreakable and chase the rescued survivor who probably has DS,even if he bypasses BT
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No no we need to limit survivors' ability to punish the killer for playing dirty.
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Genrushing is more effective with 4 people over 3. I think you mean that BT can be used to punish camping and not patrolling gens?
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While gens are not powered i dont even notice BT. I dont camp and i usually dont go for the unhooked. I dont like BT after gens are powered, because as a killer u cant patrol gens. Checking the 99 gate usually is not worth it.
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You can't escape from the Killer who is distracted with another Survivor for 15 seconds?
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What? I think we're thinking about different things...
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You said that 15 seconds will end by the time you down another Survivor. Are you saying that the Killer spend 15 seconds downing the unhooker, and then from there the unhooked goes down?
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No I didn't say the unhooked will go down, but the killer can now find them and chase them like normal.
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Campers are against BT....what a shocker
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If the killer camps during end game I go for the BT save. It's usually just a hook trade but everyone gets more points. Guaranteed saves would be ridiculous.
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As opposed to what?
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No second chance perk is balanced. I know why they are in the game, but that does NOT make them balanced.
It is because of this imbalanced hand holding, and focus on survivors "FUN" at the expense of the killer, that we have huge wait times on survivor and they are now going to hide ranks and just shove everyone in one giant pool.
Lie all you want devs but we know there will be no mmr.
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As opposed to the killer tunneling and getting 2 downs without even having to switch targets.
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Because all perks are super useful.
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How does that work?
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You hit the unhooker, they unhook, you tunnel the unhooked, hit them, unhooker goes down, keep chasing unhooked until you down them.
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Never heard BT to be nerfed.
BT is an anti tunneling perk, whereas DS is not used just as that
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I just expect BT and if they try to unhook in front of my face immediately after the hook I hit the person doing the rescue. They don’t have BT.
BT just needs to work off distance not TR as others have said so that Freddy and stealth killers can’t abuse it since stealth killers are often the biggest campers.
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So if a killer wants to camp then you lose a token.
If the killer doesn’t camp you dont lose a token.
That makes no sense because the campers are the ones you need it against.