Feels Balanced Man

I actually felt bad after seeing their rank. Didn't even stand a chance man.
Yikes on bikes
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Unfortunately, devs won't fix this system because they are creating new one. Prepare for surffering.
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In rank difference, it's not as bad as the 4 red ranks(including me) that went agains the rank 16 demogorgon with 2 perks.
But yeah...I know the feeling.
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- Buy DBD because it looks nice
- Put on Beast of Prey because you think the icon looks neat
- Get into your first match excited and nervous
- Get stomped on by survivors out of your league all running meta perks
- Get 10k BP for the experience
Killers fault, he shouldve pressured them more.
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1. They weren't running meta perks
2. This wasn't their first match, they already had bp
3. Technically it was the killer's fault they lost...matchmaking is only at fault for putting the odds in the survivors' favor.
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I totally agree its the killer's fault, he shouldve played better. After all, the survivors were using all those non meta perks like DS, Sprint Burst and Adrenaline.
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3 of them ran 1 good perk
1 of them ran 2 good perks
NOT A META SQUAD. Is a killer running a sweaty meta build just for slapping on Sloppy or bbq? I don't personally think it's the killer's fault, but from a technical standpoint it kind of is.
Edit: okay Iron Will is technically meta so it's 2 with 1 and 2 with 2
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I never said it was a meta squad i said they ran meta perks. Besides, why even mention good perks for the killer, poor guy hasnt even unlocked his second slot. Plus ive been totally agreeing with you that its the killer's fault. Dude shouldve got gud.
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Completing a training match doesn't count as a match? Running 1 or 2 meta perks is MILES from a meta build.
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Ok...now I know why killers are whining about seeing survivors running meta builds filled with second chances.
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I commented above that this matchmaking isn't very fair.
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If new killers stick with this game right now, I'm gonna be shocked. There's no way these guys are having fun.
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"Toxic killer owned gg eazy ######### lol baby killer"
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Welcome to dbd!!!
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Can't believe there are some BHVR white Knights defending this sht.
Good lord SOME survivors manage to make even the most toxic League players ashamed.