Killers on PS4/Xbox face SWF 24/7


I've seen all the complaints etc but then noticed how it's always pc players saying get better swf isnt common 1/20 etc.

Just thought I'd let you know that your PS4 and Xbox brethren are the ones getting bullied 24/7 by red rank meta sweat squads. Every game nearly.

Why? PS4 and Xbox parties are HUGE. Everyone uses them. They are built in. Streamlined. Party up load up dbd it's swf time baby.

Then ontop of that, killers aren't ranking up due to the ######### up rank system,

No more deranking to green for fair games.

Greens and purples are now met with instant lobbies of atleast 3 man swf.

Anyone with 1000+ hours hell far less can tell a sweaty swf by many characteristics. Namely 3 man bodyblocking, overly altruistic, synergised perks.. then the big one of 4 messages after a game when they've tbagged and genrushes, to say GG ez baby killer get gud.

So before you say it's not that bad. Go try consoles. You pc killers admit swf is the only real destroyer of killers... Come PS4 and enjoy getting your .... Pushed in over and over.

Ever since dedicated servers got added it is literally 85 percent swf. The only games I even remotely stand a chance is v solos.

Then take into account green should be facing purple MAX.. but no it's green v red... Plus swf.. with all their items.

I literally cannot play without Franklin's it's so bad now.

Rip consoles

Tldr: consoles have inbuilt Comms, greens v reds, and an insane rate of meta swf toxic. Like 10 in a row games.


  • Synfralidro
    Synfralidro Member Posts: 43

    Unfortunately, since your opinion doesn't fit the script of the survivor main led campaign to keep the game in it's broken state, no one on these forums are going to listen to you. Sorry.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    No it couldn't just be confirmation bias...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,723

    It is very likely. I know very very few people who play Solo on Xbox. I'm not saying there aren't some, but I do think most people play with at least one other friend.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    "get better swf isnt common 1/20 etc."

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Even the people in my swf play solo occasionally. Maybe people facing swf more has something to do with swf matchmaking.

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I play PS4 and I am seeing so many when I play later in the night against US players and such. Had a run in with OoO SWF for a while now too. Not much fun as you can imagine

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,723

    Could be. However, it doesn't change the likelihood of the games involving 2 Duo's.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Tbh playing solo is a joke. The only way you can enjoy surv is swf imo. Dont matter if its duo, 3 or 4 man swf.

    Totally agree. There are a lot of swf on console, though many solos can give you a tough time, too. I would say I face swf more often than a 4 man solo team.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I mostly play solo. But I know I'm the odd one out.

    But as killer it absolutely feels like I'm always going agains swf. Idk if they are, but feels like it. Always at least 3 red ranks too.

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50

    Honestly pc brothers. Try console and see how bad it is before you say nah not many swfs. Maybe not on pc.

    P.s I'm swapping to pc soon anyways for the frame rate/mouse

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I agree I go up against a lot of swf

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 491

    I play on Xbox, probably about 80% ish of my games as killer are SWF. It's not ALWAYS horrible, but if they know what they're doing good luck even getting a 1K. Although, one game today really made me laugh. 3 of them had Head On and would constantly jump in lockers mid chase, didn't even have quick and quiet. So I would easily grab them out before they could even stun me

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    And I completely agree... however I only play SWF with a full group and we all talk about roles and loadouts as a team before we go into the fog

    Killer isnt the power role if people use teamwork. Survivor team can bring 12 perks and 4tools 4 ultra rare addons. Orginally we used to call brand new part runs "The Cuckening" because pre nerf we could leave in 2 minutes or less. With 3rd person and stealth and doing gens from closes together first leaving the far ones we can go a whole match never hit. Like all 4 of us never hit,

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Nah, you guys must be high on something.

    The devs said it themselves SWF only appears when planets align.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    They can't remove comms or remove SWF. Like it or not if they remove swf, the game will die the next day. Just adapt or sWitCh To SuRvivOr. PLaY sOmeThiNg eLsE fOr a WeeK. ReFrEsHinG ChaNge.

  • Every1poops
    Every1poops Member Posts: 63

    I agree we face more groups on console but most swf are not ultra, try hard, sweaty optimized groups.

    Most are just people wanting to play with friends.

    Feels bad though when you do get a super team.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Don't even renember the last swf I played with and I'm rank 1 so......