Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

How do Adept achievements work?


More specifically, can you use add-ons or offerings?

I recently got a 4k using just her perks, but did not get the achievement. I figure this is due to using add-ons/offerings?

Please help me out here. I'm not chasing achievements without the specifics. Lol

Also, I'm on Xbox if that matters.

Thanks in advance, ladies and gentlemen.


  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698
    edited February 2020

    Did you get merciless?

    You are supposed to use only the 3 perks the killer/survivor comes with. (As you did).

    People say that you can use add on's and offerings, and it's fine to get the achievement. I always went no add/on's or offerings to be safe.

    For survivor all you need to do is escape. And for killer you need to get merciless in the emblem system. (2 pips they say) Which is easier at lower levels to achieve. It used to be you could just 4k and get the achievement, but now with the emblem change you have to make sure you get a certain amount of each category. (Chases, trying to 3 hook everyone etc). So, just getting a 4k does not matter for the achievement. You have to make sure you get "merciless".

    Here is a link for more info on the emblem system:

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's fine to use add-ons and offerings. As Jane explained, it sounds like your problem is that you only got a 4K - you have to get a Merciless Victory in order to get the achievement as killer, which means different things at different ranks.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    Thank you both for the quick response.

    And that's messed up. With all the recent changes, and coming back from not playing for a year... That's gonna be rough.

    Thanks again tho!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It's a curve yeah, but I do hope it works out for you!

    I'm sure it will, it just needs time.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes, killer adepts are definitely harder than they should be. The achievements weren't changed directly, it was a consequence of them overhauling the ranking system which changed the definition of "Merciless Victory". The devs have expressed a desire to revisit this and make some changes for the achievements, it's just fairly low-priority compared to other things in the game that need fixing at the moment.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    Oh, it will. I was a killer main, and did average as Survivor. Now the opposite is true.

    I think I've just avoided killer, because I get 90% SWF that just wanna trash talk after a match. My inbox on the Xbox has so much unread trash. Lol

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Understandable, sometimes people change sides cause it gets boring or in your case too many SWFs/Coordinated teams kept showing up.

    I'll still be a Killer main regardless because I love the challenge but to each their own. Good luck though mate, and welcome back to DBD.

  • InTheBushes321
    InTheBushes321 Member Posts: 72

    3 perks, add-ons/offerings allowed, Merciless victory (2 pip). Which means it's impossible to get at red ranks on killers, so yeah.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Not really, I've done it before plenty of times, it's hard but with enough dedication and the right Survivors you can get this done in a pinch.

    Ironically, the last adept I did (Adept Oni) took only the first match to get it at Red Ranks, so, it's for sure do-able depending on what Survivors you get, the add-ons, and how familiar you're with the Killer themselves.