Idea to fix both Gen speeds and Ruin

Shadous Member Posts: 6
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was thinking about the gen speed argument the other day and trying to look at both sides I think I found a really good answer. My thought is this, yes you could increase gen speeds but that would hurt smaller maps with not a lot to work with. At the same time, with how they are low mobility killers suffer on larger maps. So that got me thinking...

Instead of "one speed fits all", why not go with variable Gen speeds? Have gen speeds be dependent on the map size. If the map is a large map it takes longer to do gens. If it is smaller then where it is now seems like it would be fine. You could even go a step further if you wanted and have gen speeds be tailored to each map itself. It's something that could possibly have a huge positive impact and wouldn't require the complete reworking of all the maps. Even if that one day needs to happen this could be a good a solution for the meantime.

My idea for Ruin came from something my wife said as someone that watches YouTube videos with but doesn't play. Essentially it would just be the old ruin but with the penalty turned down. That way it can still "slow the game down, just a little bit" but not be overly punishing to new players.

Great Skill check = No bad affects at all and still get the boost to progression

Good Skill check = You shock your hand, pausing progression for 1 sec but no penalty to progression.

Missed skill check = Pause progression for 1 second and regress 2/3/4%

I feel like this could be a good compromise for everyone.

Edited for grammar.
