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This game is almost unplayable.

Firstly, I'm not a killer main or a survivor main, I play both equally. I also play on PS4 and this is getting ridiculous.

Queuing for killer takes ~5 seconds and queuing for survivor takes between 20-30 minutes. I've seen people say that the ruin change did not increase the lobby time, which is not true. It wasn't great before the change, but it wasn't this awful.

Also, I've started taking screenshots after every killer match because it's absolutely ridiculous. My skill level as a killer is firmly in the purple ranks (I am absolutely not a red rank killer, and I'm fine with that), however since the last rank reset I've been STUCK in green ranks. It's literally impossible for me to rank up. Why? Because every game I get paired against red rank survivors. And I mean EVERY SINGLE GAME! Thus the screenshots.

If you play fair, you get absolutely stomped. If you play sweaty (camp, tunnel etc.) they just disconnect. Either way, no pips.

So, it's pretty much unplayable. I play video games to have fun. To relieve stress, not induce more. Playing killer on DBD in its current state is the worst gaming experience I've ever had, it's basically a bullying simulator lol. Playing survivor is not worth it because it takes too long to even get into a game, and then you either get a killer who's so low in rank compared to you that it's just unfair or you get a killer who's playing as toxic as possible because it's the only way to attempt to win right now. Either way, it's not enjoyable! So why even play??

Even just a few months ago this game was so much fun. Then killers kept getting nerfed and nerfed until no one wants to play killer anymore. It's so toxic now as well, and toxic behavior is almost encouraged by the developers (a lot of the rift challenges require you to play toxic to get them). And I mean that on both sides.

Something seriously needs to change, and now.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,948

    Pretty sure at this point matchmaking is turned off its rare to actually get survivors that are in your rank area

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    The game is in a dark time, and until the dev's realize it the Killer won't be the power role. To play Killer I resorted to a 3 gen strategy with Surveillance on all my Killers. Then I abuse a Hook - Slug everyone else strategy (because the one person on hook seems to pull that stealth survivor out like a moth to a flame). However I still DC if the gen's are popping 2-3 in 1-2 chases, because why waste my time in a game that isn't going to be fun, and get me nothing in the end when I have a 5 second que into another one, and if I get the same people - I can simply lobby dodge.

    As survivor, I just do as normal. Gen rush, abuse safe loops, and go in with as many immunity perks as possible, and the game is easy and relaxing.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I play both a lot too, yes killer queues are instant, I'd actually say after dedicated servers the survivor queues got better, because if you get dodged it's not a 19 minute lobby sentence. My survivor queues have been 5-7 minutes, solo or swf doesnt seem to matter

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes matchmaking is a problem.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    They are throwing everyone together now to shorten the queue and soon will hide the ranks, so they can keep saying new matchmaking is working as indented with only proof of it being their word. 😂

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318


    When did you start saying such ridiculous things man? As killer I keep playing the same, slug when two other people are nearby, kick and patrol high priority gens, keep track of who has been unhooked within the last 60 seconds.

    As survivor it's also mostly the same but killers are actually making use of all 4 perk slots now, the bad part is even at red ranks I face green rank killers who can't even chase me without 3-4 gens popping.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    20-30 minutes? Queue times at rank 1 is around 2-3 minutes for me as survivor (XBOX One). Did the queue times explode when the devs added dedicated servers to PS4?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You got it all wrong man! The solution is to make problems so the devs pay more attention to me!

  • vegaverse
    vegaverse Member Posts: 5

    I think it's a mix of dedicated servers and the severe lack of killers.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Don't let yourself be fooled. Matchmaking was always broken. It just shifts how much and when. Just do something fun while you wait in the lobby if you want to play but don't like waiting. Go off DBD and watch a movie or something in the time before you get matched.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Exactly. I didn't use to DC, slug, or use unfun tactics all the time to play Killer, but after playing this game for so long, and every match you are against back to back red ranks, and swf's - all calling you down to the lowest even when you let any of them go - something just clicks and you don't care about giving the other side fun anymore.

    So yeah. Call me down all you want, I gave survivors more than enough chance to have an inkling of respect in this game, and you all blew it - now I play for my own fun.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I even find myself playing Survivor more, and just defending Killers when I catch other survivors harassing the killer (even when we win).

    The gross amount of entitlement most people playing survivor has is disgusting, and is the real problem in this game - and it's all just a direct result of updates to the game making Survivor a risk free, zero stress role. In a horror game.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I guess I can respect that. It's not your fault nor the survivors' fault the game is like this, but this is what it is and we have to deal. Well put man.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This makes me pray dedicated servers don't hit Xbox anytime soon. We may have to wait 5-10 mins for a survivor match, but screw near half an hour!

  • TFjawbreaker
    TFjawbreaker Member Posts: 43

    My wife and I both play, she’s red rank survivor and frequently gets teamed up with not so good survivors. I as of late am a purple rank killer seem to get the a-team survivors, regardless of my killer and I understand I’m weaker or stronger depending on who I choose to play as. But what is up with teams lately?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I suppose if you play survivor (solo) you take up a place in the lobby basically blocking all the "a-team 4 man SWF" whereas as killer you don't take up anyone's place in the lobby resulting in loads of SWF matches.

    As for bad teammates in general I'm starting to think people actively try to be bad teammates as a result of disrespectful behaviour towards each other.

    Short story: I played survivor a few days ago. It was a Spirit at Lery's. I didn't get downed a single time throughout the trial, got chased multiple times and repaired 3 gens on my own. We're getting to the endgame and just as the last gen gets popped an Ace gets downed. I run to the exit gate and 99 it.

    I run all the way across the map to see him get camped (which is perfectly fine since it's endgame anyways). The other 2 survivors are just crouching around the hook doing nothing.

    Just before his timer runs out I notice Spirit looking around so I wait for the perfect moment and go for it. I unhook him and take a hit risking to get 1-hooked just to rescue that Ace. All of us make it out alive.

    After the game he said "why did you wait for it so long?" instead of "thank you for the endgame rescue!"

    I replied "way to act ungrateful". Nothing more. His reaction: "why should I thank you for something you should have done way earlier?"

    Needless to say I didn't feel like playing another match afterwards.

    People like him are the reason I rarely feel like playing survivor and if I do I usually max out in any category except for altruism.