Stuck at 16, can't derank to 17 and lower

I'm a rank 16 killer and I consistently face survivors who are way better than me. Often the only time I see survivors is at the end of the game where they stand in the exit, doing their teabagging thing.

I should really play at lower ranks, but the game doesn't let me derank to 17 or lower. I can't find any survivors of my own playing level. Please make it so that I am matched with survivors I have a chance against.



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited February 2020

    You dont lose rank between 20 and 16 as its the new player zone and let's pepole play without losing pips until they hit rank 15.

    The match making is not working atm and I'm sorry you are facing those players. Hopefully the new system isn't far away and it will help with the issue.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Match making? People aren't playing killer because they have been made more and more powerless.

    Playing as survivor I can't decide which perks to play, sooo much more fun