You cared about their fun so much that you took away mine
As we all know, Hex:Ruin was completely changed in the last update. So far i've only played survivor since then in order to complete that half of the tome II challenges. But I decided to work on the killer side. I played a round as Spirit on Gas Heaven, and boy, let me tell ya.
TL;DR at the bottom if you don't like reading. It wont hurt my feelings if you skip this, haha.
The ruin change has really hurt my fun. I played normally, non-toxic, as if ruin were the same as it used to be, and I got dunked on by these survivors. They played well, but it felt so much worse for me than if old ruin were being used. It stayed up for a few minutes! But that meant nothing because even on a high mobility killer, I had trouble keeping them off gens. I couldn't imagine playing on a bigger map such as rotten fields.
Sure, you can say that since i've only played one game since the update that I can't say anything yet about the change, but I don't think that's true. It took me only 1 game with a pretty good map and skill-matched survivors to realize that this ruin change was the wrong thing.
People have been quite for the past while on the forums, but that is only because they know that the change will never be reverted. There's no point wasting energy on something futile right? i'm going to keep fighting for this - for all the killer mains and players who know that this was the wrong thing.
I think this change couldve been good if it were either a) an entirely separate perk or b) changed after the gen speeds/swf advantage is addressed.
BHVR changed the one solution to a big problem instead of looking at the cause of the actual problem. Ruin was not the cause, it was the only solution. Killers are now being destroyed by survivors with any level of skill just because the devs wanted new players to have more fun. Just because they couldnt hit skill checks. What's the point of spending 100s or 1000's of hours getting good at something just for it to be nerfed to the point that a rank 20 with 10 minutes of playtime could do it?
This game is hard, and it's supposed to be hard. I could accept that when I first started. It was hard, but I got better and sucked it up. But now new players are being babied just because they aren't good at the game in the first 10 minutes.
TL;DR: The ruin change was a bad idea and it has taken away the fun of killers because the fun of new survivors seems to be the dev's priority.
Sorry for the long rant but I really think this change was poorly timed at the very least. This game is gonna lose its veteran and seasoned players because it's too easy for survivors to win now.
I’m to lazy to read, but the new Ruin isn’t terrible. I just wish it wasn’t a hex totem.
I don’t like how fast games are going, and now have to result to tunneling and slugging, but it is what it is.
The problem was never Ruin, the problem was matchmaking and map size/design. When they fix those, game “should” get better.
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I am having the same kind of games as dont need ruin. As for the new ruin? Works is a perk that is useful. Until it gets destroyed :')
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I didn't read your whole post... I'm also too lazy...
I am a survivor main, I didn't have any issues with the old ruin... sure it was annoying, but I just worked through it...
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It always happens the same, sadly it's nothing new. Old players with thousands of hours get a big ######### you from the devs with every patch to please unskilled or new survivors, therefore ruining the fun for high ranked matches. I stopped playing for months ago, they will never change the way of thinking they have.
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So I want to know what the devs will be doing for New killers to the game because it's actually super hard to even get anyone on a hook
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The ruin change wasn't a bad idea
The part that made it so heavily frowned upon is that none of the things people used it for were changed with it
So right now you have to play competitively to even kill survivors now, and this game isn't comp
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Killers get old ruin back when survivors get old exhaustion back. Deal?
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I agree.
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Exhaustion got nerfed because that created actual infinites if you looped long enough
Ruin however is a hex that gets removed quickly from the game
Big difference between the strengths of both of them
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They blocked off infinites, shortened loops and killers still have bloodlust. Besides its not like the average survivor can even stay up long enough to get two dead hards or sprint bursts in one chase. It used to go down much slower when running. Not to mention exhaustion addons that can completely render all exhaustion perks useless and instadowns.
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This isn't a bargaining point. Old ruin was necessary and still would be, because they didn't change any fundamentals of gen times. They STILL get done blazingly fast if you aren't a high mobility killer, and even if you are tbh. Old exhaustion was op and needed changing, there's no real problem old it solved, you can still loop the killer for a long ass time now, you just have to put in a bit more effort. Compare that to a borderline required perk and you should see that they served two very different purposes.
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I think of it as a good thing. It’s forcing killers to get better. I used to use ruin a year ago then I stopped to challenge myself and from then on I never used ruin unless I was playing trapper hag etc. but the main purpose is to make more survivors play the game since we have a shortage of survivors lately. But I love that they took away a crutch. Look crutches are bad either implement them into the base game or change it altogether and they did fine with changing it. Now if only they could take double BP from BBQ and change exhaustion perks so you have to earn to use them or something or nerf the hell out of them and the game will be in a way better place.
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I care
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Yes, ruin was a crutch, but it was one for a reason. Gen times are stupidly low, especially with multiple survivors or toolboxes or both. There are games where I'll have patrolled 2 or 3 gens and 1 or 2 are already done. There's a reason everybody ran ruin.
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I just played against 4 rank 3 and 4 survivors and I was a rank 13, thank God I was only doing a stupid challenge because I just waited at the hatch towards the end to close it since I knew they just wanted to teabag at the exit and had a split second to close the hatch before the last 2 finally left. The only reason I was doing a killer challenge was because survivor cues were way too long.... To be completely honest the only reason I even play lately is because I have too much money invested into the game to just stop and I like playing survivor until I get a potato SWF team. But no matter what you do as killer the survivors are so damn toxic
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Yeah i'd say 70% of killers now use NOED or something else that ruins the game. I went against a Trapper that had a complete slugging build - Deerstalker, Knockout, Ruin and one other perk that I forget. This guy even had Iri stone and stitched bag. Old ruin was great because it made killers not want to be toxic because they had that extra little safety net.
People sh*t on old Ruin, but they don't think about how other survivor perks also give them a boost in the early game (No Mither + Resilience combo, Prove Thyself, any toolbox, spawning together)
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I totally agree. But as you said, the devs dont care about the gen speed and wont acknowledge it as a problem. So the only thing I can hope for is for them to revert the Ruin change. Once I finish level 1 of tome II i'm going back to survivor until the next level comes out.
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They shouldn't balance the game around "Average survivors"
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They should balance the game based on skill level or rank. Otherwise it wont work
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excellent haha!
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A lot of people brought these issues up to the Dev's, but they didn't care and went with it after the PTB. While Public opinion was against it. Even the survivors for it were not a massive majority.
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No, they shouldn't. They need to balance for top level play:
Ruin nerf/change was actually good based on this philosophy, but they need to fix gen speeds, or give survivors another objective.
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Ruin was the cause
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Ruin was a bit of a problem
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No, ruin was the solution to the problem of gen speeds.
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Shortage of survivors? Thats probably the dumbest thing I've heard so far. Ruin wasn't a crutch. In case you didn't know, a crutch is something that helps new players do well but makes experienced players do worse. Ruin was a borderline necessity for most killers if you even wanted to get close to getting a kill. A d before you say anything, no, I don't use ruin (don't have hag). If it's player numbers you want to address then it's killers that have dwindled down in numbers because noone is having fun going against survivors that blast through gens apart from the survivors that moaned about ruin for so long, which I'm assuming includes you.
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Only for those who couldn’t improve and hit great skill checks, or stop working on the gen for two seconds if they hit a good skill check.
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Yeah , the survivors need to improve but the killer had a passive slowdown perk that they don't have to do anything to get use out of. Only thing better than old ruin would be a perk that triples(cause double is not enough) the gen repair time for free from the game start lol...
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I don't think its pointless to argue about the patch but I think ruin wasn't a solution to begin with. The real issues are
Gens get done too fast
Most killers have low mobility or powers that don't end chases quickly
The killer simply can't be everywhere
I believe that something needs to be done but I don't think bringing old ruin back will do that. This game was designed around the necessity of survivors making mistakes. Thing is when they make zero mistakes the killer stands little to no chance.
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Ive been doing fine without it and I've played against red ranks as freddy, spirit, and doctor. You just have to adapt and not base your entire gameplay on one perk. Try new perks dont just give up after one game. Lately I run devour, bbq, sloppy, and monitor
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Killer takes a huge risk with Old Ruin due to the fact that it was a Totem and could be easily found and cleansed. Essentially making the killer play with 3 perks. Survivors also have perks to counter the hex by helping them find it. They were also able to bring in a map. Survivors also have perks that helped them speed up gen repair.
So what counter do killers have against toolboxes? I mean all the Survivor has to do is hold down M2. How can a killer improve when 3-4 people bring them in? What counter do killers have against Brand New Parts?
Game is easier for Survivors than it is for killers, and all Survivors have to do in order to make it even easier is cry on the forums and dc every time they face something that inconveniences them.
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The gap in ruin effectiveness between average survivors and top survivors was just ridiculous. It was impossible to get a gen done on yellow ranks while ruin was here, and in red ranks they didn't even bother looking for ruin before finishing the first 2 gens they started near.
You have to understand a big part of the players are below rank 12, and telling them to "get good" is not a solution. Not everyone has that much time to spend practicing skillchecks in the game, for some people there is a lag on skillchecks making it very difficult to hit great (I was in this situation), and some are just not able to reach the high ranks..
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I wish people would stop bringing up gen speeds to placate killers on the idea this was anything more than a thoughtless nerf. They have said IDK how many times they won't touch gen speeds so that point is moot, and two to 3 streams ago said at this point in the game, they will not be adding more objectives as survivor.
The guys who took almost 2 years to consider "Hmm.. bright lights constantly flashing in the killers face might not be so good for epilepsy, we should probably do something about these". You think they have a mind to bring this game to proper balance?
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I haven't had any issue without Ruin really. It was honestly not a great perk. It was too inconsistent. I disagreed with the nerf because I thought they should have had something ready to compensate.
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Omfg. Just the title alone is so ######### whiny
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What counter do killers have for toolboxes
When corrupt intervention got here and pgtw got buffed I stopped using ruin for most of my killers. They often spawned on top of it and good survivors weren't even phased by it.
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Old exhaustion helped buy survivors time IF they could get two uses in one chase which most survivors could not. Old ruin bought killers more time without them having to do anything. Old exhaustion served the same purpose but survivors had to earn theirs by doing well in a chase. Now you're trying to justify one side cause you're biased. Ruin gave more time to do cheap no skill camp and tunnel stuff with no drawback. I'm sorry that now you have to actually pay attention to gen placement and try to gen lock survivors instead of relying on ruin cause of "mUh MobiLiTy" It gave less skilled killers a crutch to rank up with but there are many killers even on here who did and still do just fine without it. It's if necessary for you, that's on your skill level, not a balance issue.
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I want the old ruin back.
I play mostly survivor but lemme tell ya...I WANT OLD RUIN BACK!!! the killers weren't as bad, Half the time I get maybe 6-10k blood points because the games over in 2 mins and if I'm found I'm either tunneled outta the game or Im camped. And I play 95% of my games solo Q'd survivor so my teammates just farm me..
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I really wish that people would stop bitching about brand new parts..
yall make it act like they are actually good, they aren't. If you think that they are bad now, give me back the OLD brand new part where it COMPLETED and ENTIRE gen if you hit the skill checks.
uggghh people..come on...
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I don't want old ruin back at this point in time. Taking ruin away magnified the real issue in this game which is unbalanced maps. Until they fix maps nothing is going to help improve the state of dbd. The upside to all of this is it has forced me to rethink my strategies and builds to optimize my performance. If they ever balance maps and get match making figured out. Killers who didnt quit the game and stuck it out will be better at their craft in the long run.
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They could still go back and pick them up since Franklins doesn’t take them out of the game like cleansing a hex does.
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Do brand new parts not drastically increase the speed at which a survivor can complete a gen?
If you don’t like people bitching about things, ask Survivors to stop bitching about every little thing that inconveniences them.
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no it does only repairs the gen to 15% which is nothing if people can't hit skill checks or if the killer has ruin then there ya go its all gone.
But maybe you should take a look at the add-ons. It doesn't speed up the gen no, the toolbox itself does that, and no it does not deplete the toolbox anymore either.
and it is 50/50 the killers ######### and cry about survivor ######### just as much as survivors ######### and cry about killer things.
This whole community is toxic af..its not just one side that does it..its your eyes and see it please
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Killers lose Moris when survivors lose their keys. Deal?
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That's actually what i want them to do. Someone tries to body block me when I pick up someone, they drop their precious toolbox, I pretend to walk away only to 180 and down them again. Even if the guy wiggles out he's still injured, i got another person I can hook and 1 less toolbox.
The exhaustion nerf absolutely needed to happen. It was unfair as #@$%. The ruin nerf doesn't even come close to this. I suppose you want to bring back old MoM while were at it and make BT work on both survivors again? Maybe even revert Freddys rework?
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Sounds like you are just another whiner and complainer. Moving on.
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You know what I found to be most disturbing about the whole ruin change? The thing that a dev in the Q&A literally said well if you struggle as a killer you should go and checkout certain content creators.
Meanwhile why did they not tell new players to just learn how to hit skillchecks? I am sorry but that was the biggest bs answer in the whole Q&A after the change.
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Yes! If we ignore the effect that old ruin had on the length of a match.. New ruin makes killers more toxic. Everyone uses NOED or slugs or camps or does whatever they can to ensure kills. I played a few more rounds as Spirit and Pig and I will admit, I had to be more scummy to get kills.
I don't need ruin on Pig because of the way I play her, but on non-stealth killers I think Ruin is a must. At least for non-toxic or scummy play.
I literally had a wraith carry me to the hatch and hook me next to it just because he wanted to. It may not be related, but i'd say before the patch people wouldn't do a-hole things like that so much.
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You shouldn't have to use an entire perk to nullify an item that can just be picked back up anyway.
I think old ruin was fine because of the risk factor - the fact that it is a hex.
Franklins, as someone else has said, doesn't destroy the item unless it was already almost depleted.
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They need a more detailed tutorial for survivor and killer. Telling new players to go watch content shouldnt be their tutorial. I think they know what they need but are either too lazy or too scared to do it. Or maybe they don't care about their playerbase at all.