The Time Has Come to Nerf Moris...and Keys

As someone who enjoys playing both sides of the game, I feel that moris and keys offer a "cheap win" for each side. While I disagree that these elements should be removed from the game entirely I do believe they could each use a soft nerf. As for moris, I'm strictly referring to offerings. Devour hope is perfectly fine as is IMO and I don't have a solution to tweak rancor so all you get is a \o/ for now.

As for moris, I think the pink offering should be after you hook a survivor twice or after you hook *all* survivors once. I feel that with the former you're doing it for style points and with the latter you have "earned" the win.

With keys it gets a hair tricky. I would suggest that keys aren't activated until either the exit gates are powered or the EGC has started. Only 3 gens done, two dead, and the last two get a free ticket out bc one had a key on them? Nah, that's gonna be a no for me, dog. I feel that this would turn keys into a last resort rather than a "get out of trial free" card. You'd simply use them to counter a gate humping killer.

But if course I'm open to discussion. Do you think that keys and moris need a rework? If so, do you have suggestions other than my own? Please do your best to curb your bias if you main one side over the other.


  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    About moris if game would last such long to hook everyone once I would be agree but that's not the case...

    About keys basically quit that are able to be found on chest and i would quit all keys except ultrarare and being unipersonal.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    I agree with you, currently meta involves around games which last less of 5 minutes, and reduced to 3m if they use the toolboxes, but yeah, nerf ebonys. For the next patch I suggest to remove legs and arms to killers, they are overperforming. A special mention to the Clown, who can get max a couple of hooks per trials against decent survivors, that's broken, let's nerf the hell of him or I will quit the game.

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    I think a better nerf for keys would be to require an activation time (maybe three seconds?) so it can't be used in a chase, and for varying levels to change how many can escape (purple, only you; pink, it will be open for 30 seconds).

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited February 2020

    No, lets nerf 7s heals and 3 min games.

    Almost everything survivors have now is far stronger than killer has.

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    Games are much more killer-sided than survivor-sided.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    What game are you playing because it's definitely not DBD mate.

    I think Rancor is fine it's basically just killer adrenaline. I like the changes tho.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Depends how good teammates you have. If survivors have know any basics of looping and are capable of holding m1, definitely not killer sided

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    I'm only a mid rank killer at best. I don't like having to try hard, I play primarily to swing my machete and chase people around and I don't have any issues with the Moris or the Keys, I rarely get any Moris in my bloodweb and if the survivors escape like that then that's just my bad luck...

    Gotta roll with the punches, you win some you lose some.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
    edited February 2020

    I made another comment a while ago but ill sum it up here:

    Moris are not the same strength as keys, moris are much stronger. Moris are used against SWF groups due to how horribly unbalanced it is for some killers at that level. Yes keys are annoying and broken but you should not nerf them with moris.

    If you want to nerf moris, you should address the main reason they are used, to beat SWF. Nerfing keys in change for nerfing moris is a horrible unbalanced trade off that just nerfs killers even more. If they do nerf moris, we will have nothing to deal with any good SWF team.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    Onestly, i would remove completely the mori and make them always usable as replacementnfor the last hook, you get hooked 2 times 3rd time killer can kill you.

    For keys, i would only make that you cant reopen the hatch if the killer close it.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    I usually wipe out swf without mori, and when i use it, i only need the green one to "turn the table"

    Maibe we can leave the green mori as it is, but red mori are onestly too powerfull if you tunnel the hooked surv every time.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I agree, it's time to nerf Key's.

    Remove the hatch, and start EGC when it's the last survivor. Oh no no no, the Gen's don't finish and the gates don't activate. You still have to finish those 3 gens alone. Good luck.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    My personal suggestion.


    1) Remove all mori offerings from the game.

    2) Make all yellow Wreath offerings let you mori one person who has been hooked twice.

    3) Make all green Wreath offerings let you mori anyone who has been hooked twice.

    4) Cypress is now base kit. You could even make it a nerfed version of Cypress where the last person needs to have been hooked at least once, if you want.


    1) Only one person can use the Hatch per key. It auto-closes after someone jumps in. If the last person is left, EGC begins.

    2) All Keys can now open the Hatch, but each key takes a different amount of time to open the Hatch + makes the Hatch unable to open (either by Keys or by last player) for a certain amount of time.

    Broken Key (now Fragile Key) - 20 seconds to open; Hatch is permanently closed and can never open again (EGC auto-starts when there is one Survivor left)

    Dull Key - 10 seconds to open; Hatch is inaccessible for 10 seconds

    Skeleton Key - 5 seconds to open; Hatch is inaccessible for 5 seconds

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2020

    "after you hook *all* survivors once"

    Cool so SWFs can just hide their blendette the whole match to deny you using your mori

    Edit: Just to add I think the only change that needs to be done to keys is that they should only work for the person who is holding it. Clicking it should just trigger an animation of it opening, swallowing that survivor and closing itself.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    The mori idea I've always said would be much more fair.

    As for could be as simple as you having to have done a certain amount in the game (relating to emblem score or BP earned, I mean) to use it on the hatch. This way, you at least EARN the escape, and it's not quite free.

    Rather than being wrecked by the killer and finding the hatch while they're in chase with the last person, and getting a free escape.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I'd like to add a caveat to what I said about keys in my previous comment:

    This should be the case unless you're the last survivor and the hatch has been closed by the killer.

    Also I think green keys should by default provide bond to a limited distance, so if you find one in a chest it actually does something.

  • HipfireBoi
    HipfireBoi Member Posts: 29

    The worst thing about moris is that Killers camp and tunnel the first person they get just to kill them. Making it so you need all 4 survivors to be hooked once actually makes it so the killer needs to put some effort to win even with mori.

    As for keys, some good nerfs that need to take place are:

    -Hatch can only be opened once with key;

    -An Ultra Rare add-on to give the option to open the hatch;

    -No add-ons to save your key in case of death or usage.

    (These would be just for starters)

  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    Except for the fact moris are an insta 4k and sometimes 3k for Killers if you’re actually good at the game.

    Anyone who says differently is selling something.