
plz everyone in this community has to understand that all the freddy buffs are to OP, sincerelly ive veen playing this day (5days) i have been playing against freddy a couple of time, and none of the games ive played against him, not 1 single person had the chance to escape the trial. Concider this message serious im not joking im playing ranked lvl 13



  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    At low ranks any killer can be "op" because many survivors kinda suck, and one weak link can be devestating in a team game, but due to the emblems these bad players could be getting positive reinforcement anyways.

    I had a game where I was just messing around as Pig and they couldn't even do a single gen even when they at one point had 2 people on a gen on the other side of the map I STILL somehow got across before they could pop it.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I just wish Freddy took some skill. He's pretty balanced power wise.

  • HorrorLover74
    HorrorLover74 Member Posts: 39

    He isnt OP, he just makes it a challenge, which is needed in a game. The only thing I find annoying about him is the pallets other than that I love to go against and play as him. You will get better at going against him when you hopefully get competent teammates.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    His slowdown was changed and that was the only problematic part of him. As he stands, he is entirely balanced.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    I personally think his Add-on combos can be a little crazy when combined with pop and such but other than that. He's fine

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Freddy is in a pretty good place. Just learn how to counter him. I enjoy going against a good Freddy bc its different than a standard match.

  • flufflypillow
    flufflypillow Member Posts: 19

    You don’t even give an good reason why he should be nerf and you said “ ive veen playing this day (5days)...” playing for five days yeah killers are gonna seem op to you cause you have never played against them before. Just learn how to play against Freddys or watch videos on how to play against him. You can even grab your friends to help you like playing kill your friends and see how he works. Also can you please give more of an reason why he should be nerf?

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    You're still a potato. Once you watch some streamers and learn something as the devs suggested killer to do, you'll be but dancing and clicking in no time. Just take time.

  • Gh0stDude
    Gh0stDude Member Posts: 49

    For you low-ranks survivors any killer can be OP and impossible to escape,Freddy is balanced and don't need any nerf or buff

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    Pretty sure OP is being sarcastic. That was his first post and the bait is real y’all.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    I liked the old freddy where it slowed you down in dreams, the new one is definitely not as tough and not op

  • Gamer29
    Gamer29 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2020

    Lol! Is this a serious post?!?! Maybe you are just not good and need to learn how to play against him. Maybe try to get some skill. How are you going to exist in the real world. What happens at a real job where you are challenged? Are you going to tell your boss you can’t do it bc it’s too hard and too much work? Lol! In the real world you get fired!

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    It is not impossible to get away from Freddy if you figure out how to play against him. Watch some youtube videos if you need help.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    We are joking but someone has really voted up this thread

  • Sodahead
    Sodahead Member Posts: 99

    Thank you for this. I've been saying for the longest that survivors are the ones killing this game because the devs cater way to hard for you guys. No hateful intentions here, get better like the others have stated.

  • FleshTorpedo
    FleshTorpedo Member Posts: 394

    bwahahahah ######### off. Learn his mechanics and git gud.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Bait 6/10

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    Freddy is one of the better killers which means if your team is around your rank or lower there's a good chance you're going to get demolished. This is why communication is extremely important in dead by daylight to me.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    DS, BT and Adrenalin NERF ASAP.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Its perfectly fine for a killer to take survivor knowledge and mind gaming to be strong over physical skill like nurse and spirit

  • joeyprtr
    joeyprtr Member Posts: 42

    The biggest problem is dead care about players whining so they need, then patch, then balance. I know the game is moderately popular so what do they do change everything that made it fun. How to fix the problem undo everything they changed put your big girl panties on and stop caring about the whining. It's impossible to please everybody so accept it and STOP TRYING. Example the routine dc on the doctor.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Freddy is strong and matchmaking is #########. These things combined make him OP on low ranks.

    But "nerf ASAP" is the worst idea Ive ever heard.

    Learn to play against him, advance ranks, wait for matchmaking fix or get better perks. There are many things you can do instead of crying for nerf.

  • flufflypillow
    flufflypillow Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2020

    No thank you for DS and maybe BT. I don’t care about adrenaline so they can do whatever to that. DS has already been changed and it’s for punishing tunneling, plus it help solo players. I wanna know your idea for BT though with its nerf. BT is also for punishing killers that tunnel, but I see why some people want it nerf.

    You probably did this as a joke though-

    Post edited by flufflypillow on
    NEVELEVEN11 Member Posts: 141
    edited February 2020

    Crybaby. Freddy isnt hard at all. Im not saying i win every match afainst him i definitely lose a couple. Youve got to understand that youre not supposed to be able to win every game. Winning isnt a sure thing and youve got to accept that. Guess what....Youre not playing acomputer. Youre playing another person.

    And honestly, i think its hard to play with Freddy. I prefer using Pig or Hag.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Ds gives you 60s invicibility against everything, not only tunneling. I dont agree about BT, because its fine, but I think the guy meant that Freddy doesnt need a nerf in the first place.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Strange how only bad survivors thinks killers is OP..

  • TheMilitiaGamer
    TheMilitiaGamer Member Posts: 13

    If anything Freddy needs a buff. He's well rounded sure, though it takes no skill to play him. Anyone with an hour can figure out how to place snares or pallets. Freddy nowadays isn't really threatening on either side.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    How strange, i went against a few freddy`s today and all 4 escaped every time... hmm why could that be? maybe it was on you or your team? nah! must be OP killer please nerf so he cant injure next time

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222
    edited February 2020

    freddy really aint that bad . i escape rank 1 freddies, all be it pretty sweaty but its doable for sure, just remember if ur red ranks and someones about to be hooked and the exit gates open, just leave your teammate or youll probably get blood wardened

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited February 2020

    With the way things currently are, nerfing any Killer would be a very bad idea.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    played vs Freddy "a couple of times" at rank 13 - Freddy OP. lol

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    He's not OP, just stay awake dude

  • AceInTheKate
    AceInTheKate Member Posts: 100

    So this what a entitled survivors main looks like. It's really sad. Freddy can be countered so easily. One run calm spirit. If he has snares you running into them wont matter because he wont know unless your in front of him. The best way is to literally stay awake. His power is useless if your awake so stay awake its simple.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    I know a lot of people are commenting that he is balanced and the post author should just get good, but there might be some truth to this post.

    The first time I got to play freddy was yesterday. I had one of those shards that let you play as a license killer. First thing that happens in the match is someone DC's. Next thing, another survivor comes right up to me and lets me down her and sacrifice her right away, no struggling when she's on my back. The last two try to play it out, but there's no hope for them at that point.

    They were rank 7 - 5's , half red half purple. They must of assumed I was a high ranked freddy main and given up before the match even started.

    How often does this happen in high ranks?

    Running him with surveillance seems to be OP if you can TP to any gen when it turns yellow. I haven't done my research on him yet.

  • AlsendDrake
    AlsendDrake Member Posts: 103

    I mean, if they're serious I think I can guess why:

    DS and BT are defensive perks people have taken to using offensively.

    Tbh, imo BT's only issue is that Deep Wounds is just garbage. They should really make it survivor only and rework Legion imo. Then they can do stuff with it.

    DS's only real mechanical issue imo is the locker cheese and the frustration when you hook someone else and then get the first again and get punished for essentially doing too well. (Though I am a bit annoyed they buffed it to 5 seconds because Enduring countered it hard, then when they made Enduring Pallets only, didn't touch it, but that's just nitpicking :P)

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    He needs to lose the gen slowdown add ons. He shouldn’t get free gen slowdown for no reason with no effort required. He could go afk and still get that effect on survivors.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264
    edited February 2020

    trust me, all that is needed to survive lately is having two hands :)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,031
  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Hmmmmmm the only thing I find dumb about freddy is his hitbox is dummy huge for a tiny glove hand...

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Lol Freddy is one if the few killers that can counter Bullshiit map design with his teleport that only activates after a long cooldown. If you are complaining about dream snares or pallets, then you are clearly a potato. In the end. He is an M1 killer.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    You mean more skill than survivors holding one button on a generator?

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    If it was for punishing tunneling it wouldn't last 60 seconds. If they want it to actually do that, make it so that it deactivates either after another survivor gets hooked or once the survivor with DS leaves the terror radius.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Ok. We'll deactivate DS outside of Terror radius. Now GF, Wraith and Pig (not me btdubbs for example) will now be conformed notorious tunnellers! They just activate stealth and ignore DS completely!

    I get why you want to change it this way, BUT, with all the terror radius manipulation in the game it's going to break it. We already have so many issues with BT and similar effects.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I don't see the problem with some killers being better against certain perks then others. Its like certain survivor perks are better against certain killers.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Now, one for the OP. A lot more killers are a joke these days, after you learn how their powers work.

    Freddy and Doc are my gold standard for killers. Skill to play, Survivor pressure and the ability to slow/stop loops.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's more that DS and BT are meant to be used against your stereotypical stealth camper or campers/tunnellers in general and adding this clause will literally negate the entire point of the perk and promote more toxicity from killers.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    While now it promotes toxicity in survivors who think they are gods because thier perks carried them?